ActivePremium | Active Premium or Active Return |
AdjustedSharpeRatio | Adjusted Sharpe ratio of the return distribution |
apply.fromstart | calculate a function over an expanding window always starting... |
apply.rolling | calculate a function over a rolling window |
AppraisalRatio | Appraisal ratio of the return distribution |
AverageDrawdown | Calculates the average depth of the observed drawdowns. |
AverageLength | Calculates the average length (in periods) of the observed... |
AverageRecovery | Calculates the average length (in periods) of the observed... |
BernardoLedoitRatio | Bernardo and Ledoit ratio of the return distribution |
BetaCoMoments | Functions to calculate systematic or beta co-moments of... |
BurkeRatio | Burke ratio of the return distribution |
CalmarRatio | calculate a Calmar or Sterling reward/risk ratio Calmar and... |
CAPM.alpha | calculate single factor model (CAPM) alpha |
CAPM.beta | calculate single factor model (CAPM) beta |
CAPM.dynamic | Time-varying conditional single factor model beta |
CAPM.epsilon | Regression epsilon of the return distribution |
CAPM.jensenAlpha | Jensen's alpha of the return distribution |
CAPM.RiskPremium | utility functions for single factor (CAPM) CML, SML, and... |
CDD | Calculate Uryasev's proposed Conditional Drawdown at Risk... |
centeredmoments | calculate centered Returns |
chart.ACF | Create ACF chart or ACF with PACF two-panel chart |
chart.Bar | wrapper for barchart of returns |
chart.BarVaR | Periodic returns in a bar chart with risk metric overlay |
chart.Boxplot | box whiskers plot wrapper |
chart.CaptureRatios | Chart of Capture Ratios against a benchmark |
chart.Correlation | correlation matrix chart |
chart.CumReturns | Cumulates and graphs a set of periodic returns |
chart.Drawdown | Time series chart of drawdowns through time |
chart.ECDF | Create an ECDF overlaid with a Normal CDF |
chart.Events | Plots a time series with event dates aligned |
chart.Histogram | histogram of returns |
chart.QQPlot | Plot a QQ chart |
chart.Regression | Takes a set of returns and relates them to a market benchmark... |
chart.RelativePerformance | relative performance chart between multiple return series |
chart.RiskReturnScatter | scatter chart of returns vs risk for comparing multiple... |
chart.RollingCorrelation | chart rolling correlation fo multiple assets |
chart.RollingMean | chart the rolling mean return |
chart.RollingPerformance | wrapper to create a chart of rolling performance metrics in a... |
chart.RollingRegression | A wrapper to create charts of relative regression performance... |
chart.Scatter | wrapper to draw scatter plot with sensible defaults |
chart.SnailTrail | chart risk versus return over rolling time periods |
charts.PerformanceSummary | Create combined wealth index, period performance, and... |
charts.RollingPerformance | rolling performance chart |
chart.StackedBar | create a stacked bar plot |
chart.TimeSeries | Creates a time series chart with some extensions. |
chart.VaRSensitivity | show the sensitivity of Value-at-Risk or Expected Shortfall... |
checkData | check input data type and format and coerce to the desired... |
clean.boudt | clean extreme observations in a time series to to provide... |
CoMoments | Functions for calculating comoments of financial time series |
DownsideDeviation | downside risk (deviation, variance) of the return... |
DownsideFrequency | downside frequency of the return distribution |
DRatio | d ratio of the return distribution |
DrawdownDeviation | Calculates a standard deviation-type statistic using... |
DrawdownPeak | Drawdawn peak of the return distribution |
edhec | EDHEC-Risk Hedge Fund Style Indices |
ES | calculates Expected Shortfall(ES) (or Conditional... |
FamaBeta | Fama beta of the return distribution |
findDrawdowns | Find the drawdowns and drawdown levels in a timeseries. |
Frequency | Frequency of the return distribution |
HurstIndex | calculate the Hurst Index The Hurst index can be used to... |
InformationRatio | InformationRatio = ActivePremium/TrackingError |
Kappa | Kappa of the return distribution |
KellyRatio | calculate Kelly criterion ratio (leverage or bet size) for a... |
kurtosis | Kurtosis |
legend | internal functions for setting useful defaults for graphs |
lpm | calculate a lower partial moment for a time series |
M2Sortino | M squared for Sortino of the return distribution |
managers | Hypothetical Alternative Asset Manager and Benchmark Data |
MarketTiming | Market timing models |
MartinRatio | Martin ratio of the return distribution |
maxDrawdown | caclulate the maximum drawdown from peak equity |
MeanAbsoluteDeviation | Mean absolute deviation of the return distribution |
mean.geometric | calculate attributes relative to the mean of the observation... |
Modigliani | Modigliani-Modigliani measure |
MSquared | M squared of the return distribution |
MSquaredExcess | M squared excess of the return distribution |
NetSelectivity | Net selectivity of the return distribution |
Omega | calculate Omega for a return series |
OmegaExcessReturn | Omega excess return of the return distribution |
OmegaSharpeRatio | Omega-Sharpe ratio of the return distribution |
PainIndex | Pain index of the return distribution |
PainRatio | Pain ratio of the return distribution |
PerformanceAnalytics-package | Econometric tools for performance and risk analysis. |
portfolio_bacon | Bacon(2008) Data |
prices | Selected Price Series Example Data |
ProspectRatio | Prospect ratio of the return distribution |
Return.annualized | calculate an annualized return for comparing instruments with... |
Return.annualized.excess | calculates an annualized excess return for comparing... |
Return.calculate | calculate simple or compound returns from prices |
Return.clean | clean returns in a time series to to provide more robust risk... |
Return.cumulative | calculate a compounded (geometric) cumulative return |
Return.excess | Calculates the returns of an asset in excess of the given... |
Return.Geltner | calculate Geltner liquidity-adjusted return series |
Return.portfolio | Calculate weighted returns for a portfolio of assets | | Read returns data with different date formats |
Return.relative | calculate the relative return of one asset to another |
Selectivity | Selectivity of the return distribution |
SharpeRatio | calculate a traditional or modified Sharpe Ratio of Return... |
SharpeRatio.annualized | calculate annualized Sharpe Ratio |
skewness | Skewness |
SkewnessKurtosisRatio | Skewness-Kurtosis ratio of the return distribution |
SmoothingIndex | calculate Normalized Getmansky Smoothing Index |
sortDrawdowns | order list of drawdowns from worst to best |
SortinoRatio | calculate Sortino Ratio of performance over downside risk |
SpecificRisk | Specific risk of the return distribution |
StdDev | calculates Standard Deviation for univariate and multivariate... |
StdDev.annualized | calculate a multiperiod or annualized Standard Deviation |
SystematicRisk | Systematic risk of the return distribution |
table.AnnualizedReturns | Annualized Returns Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.Arbitrary | wrapper function for combining arbitrary function list into a... |
table.Autocorrelation | table for calculating the first six autocorrelation... |
table.CalendarReturns | Monthly and Calendar year Return table |
table.CAPM | Single Factor Asset-Pricing Model Summary: Statistics and... |
table.CaptureRatios | Calculate and display a table of capture ratio and related... |
table.Correlation | calculate correlalations of multicolumn data |
table.Distributions | Distributions Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.DownsideRisk | Downside Risk Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.DownsideRiskRatio | Downside Summary: Statistics and ratios |
table.Drawdowns | Worst Drawdowns Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.DrawdownsRatio | Drawdowns Summary: Statistics and ratios |
table.HigherMoments | Higher Moments Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.InformationRatio | Information ratio Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.MonthlyReturns | Returns Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.ProbOutPerformance | Outperformance Report of Asset vs Benchmark |
table.RollingPeriods | Rolling Periods Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.SpecificRisk | Specific risk Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
table.Variability | Variability Summary: Statistics and Stylized Facts |
textplot | Display text information in a graphics plot. |
TotalRisk | Total risk of the return distribution |
TrackingError | Calculate Tracking Error of returns against a benchmark |
TreynorRatio | calculate Treynor Ratio or modified Treynor Ratio of excess... |
UlcerIndex | calculate the Ulcer Index |
UpDownRatios | calculate metrics on up and down markets for the benchmark... |
UpsideFrequency | upside frequency of the return distribution |
UpsidePotentialRatio | calculate Upside Potential Ratio of upside performance over... |
UpsideRisk | upside risk, variance and potential of the return... |
VaR | calculate various Value at Risk (VaR) measures |
VolatilitySkewness | Volatility and variability of the return distribution |
weights | Selected Portfolio Weights Data |
zerofill | zerofill |
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