Man pages for ROptEst
Optimally Robust Estimation

0ROptEst-packageOptimally robust estimation
asAnscombeGenerating function for asAnscombe-class
asAnscombe-classAsymptotic Anscombe risk
asL1Generating function for asMSE-class
asL1-classAsymptotic mean absolute error
asL4Generating function for asL4-class
asL4-classAsymptotic mean power 4 error
checkmakeICMethods for Checking and Making ICs
cniperContFunctions for Computation and Plot of Cniper Contamination...
CniperPointPlotWrapperWrapper function for cniperPointPlot - Computation and Plot...
comparePlotCompare - Plots
getAsGRiskFct-methodsMethods for Function get.asGRisk.fct in Package 'ROptEst'
getAsRiskGeneric Function for Computation of Asymptotic Risks
getBiasICGeneric function for the computation of the asymptotic bias...
getFixClipGeneric Function for the Computation of the Optimal Clipping...
getFixRobICGeneric Function for the Computation of Optimally Robust ICs
getIneffDiffGeneric Function for the Computation of Inefficiency...
getInfCentGeneric Function for the Computation of the Optimal Centering...
getInfClipGeneric Function for the Computation of the Optimal Clipping...
getInfGammaGeneric Function for the Computation of the Optimal Clipping...
getinfLMFunctions to determine Lagrange multipliers
getInfRadGeneric Function for the Computation of the Optimal Radius...
getInfRobICGeneric Function for the Computation of Optimally Robust ICs
getInfStandGeneric Function for the Computation of the Standardizing...
getInfVGeneric Function for the Computation of the asymptotic...
getL1normL2derivCalculation of L1 norm of L2derivative
getL2normL2derivCalculation of L2 norm of L2derivative
getMaxIneffgetMaxIneff - computation of the maximal inefficiency of an...
getModifyICGeneric Function for the Computation of Functions for Slot...
getRadiusComputation of the Optimal Radius for Given Clipping Bound
getReqgetReq - computation of the radius interval where IC1 is...
getRiskFctBV-methodsMethods for Function getRiskFctBV in Package 'ROptEst'
getRiskICGeneric function for the computation of a risk for an IC
getStartIC-methodsMethods for Function getStartIC in Package 'ROptEst'
inputGeneratorInput generating functions for function 'robest'
internal_CniperplotsInternal / Helper functions of package ROptEst for cniper...
internal-interpolateInternal helper functions for generating interpolation grids...
internalMBREInternal / Helper function of package ROptEst for MBRE...
internalRobestHelpersInternal / Helper functions of package ROptEst for function...
internalsInternal / Helper functions of package ROptEst
leastFavorableRadiusGeneric Function for the Computation of Least Favorable Radii
lowerCaseRadiusComputation of the lower case radius
minmaxBiasGeneric Function for the Computation of Bias-Optimally Robust...
optICGeneric function for the computation of optimally robust ICs
optRiskGeneric function for the computation of the minimal risk
plot-methodsMethods for Function plot in Package 'ROptEst'
radiusMinimaxICGeneric function for the computation of the radius minimax IC
RMXEOMSEMBREOBREOptimally robust estimation: RMXE, OMSE, MBRE, and OBRE
robestOptimally robust estimation
roptestOptimally robust estimation
updateNorm-methodsMethods for Function updateNorm in Package 'ROptEst'
ROptEst documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 3:01 a.m.