Man pages for bertin
Bertin matrix display

00bertin-packageBertin matrices
a4wa4 wide layout
bertin-internalMarginal colour ramp
bertin.orderGenerate a permutation order
bertinrangescoreRange standardisation of a matrix
bertinranksCalculate row or column ranks for Bertin analysis.
bertinzscoreStandardised (studentised) matrix
colorsVarious color palettes
colrampDisplays a horizontal or vertical color ramp.
HotelHotel data
image.bertinDisplay Bertin image
imageBGNeutral background for NA elements in an image
ordergroupedOrdering Permutation
paraspSet up aspect ratio
parmfrowfunction to do ...
pdfa4PDF for a4
pdfa4wPDF for a4 wide
plot.bertinBertin plot
str.bertinCompactly Display the Structure of an R Object of Class...
whatisInspect an R object
bertin documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:54 p.m.