Man pages for dr
Methods for Dimension Reduction for Regression

aisAustralian institute of sport data
banknoteSwiss banknote data
coord.hyp.basisInternal function to find the basis of a subspace
drMain function for dimension reduction regression
dr.coordinate.testDimension reduction tests
dr.directionsDirections selected by dimension reduction regressiosn
drop1.drSequential fitting of coordinate tests using a dr object
dr.permutation.testPermutation tests of dimension for dr
dr.pvalueCompute the Chi-square approximations to a weighted sum of...
dr.slicesDivide a vector into slices of approximately equal size
dr.weightsEstimate weights for elliptical symmetry
dr.xAccessor functions for data in dr objects
musselsMussels' muscles data
plot.drBasic plot of a dr object
dr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:49 p.m.