agm | Arithmetic-geometric Mean |
bell | Bell Numbers |
bernoulli | Bernoulli Numbers |
carmichael | Carmichael Numbers |
catalan | Catalan Numbers |
cf2num | Generalized Continous Fractions |
chinese | Chinese Remainder Theorem |
collatz | Collatz Sequences |
contFrac | Continued Fractions |
coprime | Coprimality |
div | Integer Division |
divisors | List of Divisors |
droplet_e | Droplet Algorithm for pi and e |
egyptian_complete | Egyptian Fractions - Complete Search |
egyptian_methods | Egyptian Fractions - Specialized Methods |
eulersPhi | Eulers's Phi Function |
extGCD | Extended Euclidean Algorithm |
factorize | Prime Factors |
fibonacci | Fibonacci and Lucas Series |
GCD | GCD and LCM Integer Functions |
hermite | Hermite Normal Form |
inthroot | Integer N-th Root |
IsIntpower | Powers of Integers |
isNatural | Natural Number |
isprime | isPrime Property |
isPrimroot | Primitive Root Test |
legendre_sym | Legendre and Jacobi Symbol |
mersenne | Mersenne Numbers |
mod | Modulo Operator |
modinv | Modular Inverse and Square Root |
modlin | Modular Linear Equation Solver |
modlog | Modular (or: Discrete) Logarithm |
modNthroot | N-th root modulo p |
modpower | Power Function modulo m |
moebius | Moebius Function |
necklace | Necklace and Bracelet Functions |
nextprime | Next Prime |
numbers-package | Number-Theoretic Functions |
omega | Number of Prime Factors |
ordpn | Order in Faculty |
pascal | Pascal Triangle |
periodicCF | Periodic continued fraction |
previousPrime | Previous Prime |
primes | Prime Numbers |
primroot | Primitive Root |
pythagorean | Pythagorean Triples |
quadratic_residues | Quadratic Residues |
rabin | Miller-Rabin Test |
ratFarey | Farey Approximation and Series |
rem | Integer Remainder |
sigma | Divisor Functions |
solvePellsEq | Solve Pell's Equation |
stern_brocot | Stern-Brocot Sequence |
twinprimes | Twin Primes |
zeck | Zeckendorf Representation |
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