Man pages for pks
Probabilistic Knowledge Structures

blimBasic Local Independence Models (BLIMs)
blimitBasic Local Independence Model Identification Analysis
chessResponses to Chess Problems and Knowledge Structures
conversionConversion between Representations of Responses or States
delineateDelineate a Knowledge Structure by a Skill Function
DoignonFalmagne7Artificial Responses from Doignon and Falmagne (1999)
endmResponses and Knowledge Structures from Heller and...
getKFringeOuter and Inner Fringes of a Knowledge Structure
gradednessForward-/Backward-Gradedness and Downgradability of a...
itaItem Tree Analysis (ITA)
jacobianJacobian Matrix for Basic Local Independence Model
plot.blimDiagnostic Plot for Basic Local Independence Models
print.blimPrint a blim Object
probabilityProblems in Elementary Probability Theory
residuals.blimResiduals for Basic Local Independence Models
schoolarithmArithmetic Problems for Elementary and Middle School Students
simulate.blimSimulate Responses from Basic Local Independence Models...
slmSimple Learning Models (SLMs)
TaageperaResponses and Knowledge Structures from Taagepera et al....
pks documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 3 a.m.