Man pages for CCPROMISE
PROMISE analysis with Canonical Correlation for Two Forms of High Dimensional Genetic Data

CANNCanonical Correlation of Two Sets of Genomic Data
CCPROMISEPROMISE Analysis with Canonical Correlation for Two Forms of...
CCPROMISE-packagePRojection Onto the Most Interesting Statistical Evidence...
exmplESetExample of Conceptual Expression Set
exmplGeneSetExample of Conceptual Gene Annotation
exmplMSetExample of Conceptual Methylation Set
exmplPatExample of Conceptual Phenotype Pattern Definition Set
PrbCorProbe Level Correlation of Two Sets of Genomic Data
PrbPROMISEPROMISE Analysis with Two Forms of Genomic Data at Probe...
PROMISE2PROMISE Analysis of Two Genomic Sets
CCPROMISE documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:51 p.m.