Man pages for HDTD
Statistical Inference about the Mean Matrix and the Covariance Matrices in High-Dimensional Transposable Data (HDTD)

centerdataCentering Transposable Data
covmat.hatEstimation of the Row and of the Column Covariance Matrices.
covmat.tsNonparametric Tests for the Row or Column Covariance Matrix
HDTD-packageEstimation and Hypothesis Testing in High-Dimensional...
meanmat.hatEstimation the Mean Matrix
meanmat.tsNonparametric Tests for the Mean Matrix
orderdataReordering Row and Column Variables
transposedataInterchanging the Row and Column Variables in Transposable...
VEGFmouseVascular Endothelial Growth Factor Mouse Dataset
HDTD documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:25 p.m.