API for HPAanalyze
Retrieve and analyze data from the Human Protein Atlas

Global functions
gene_ensembl_convert Source code
hpaDownload Man page Source code
hpaExport Man page Source code
hpaListParam Man page Source code
hpaSubset Man page Source code
hpaVis Man page Source code
hpaVisPatho Man page Source code
hpaVisSubcell Man page Source code
hpaVisTissue Man page Source code
hpaXml Man page Source code
hpaXmlAntibody Man page Source code
hpaXmlGet Man page Source code
hpaXmlProtClass Man page Source code
hpaXmlTissueExpr Man page Source code
hpaXmlTissueExprSum Man page Source code
hpa_downloaded_histology_v18 Man page
hpa_histology_data Man page
named_vector_list_to_tibble Source code
patient_nodes_to_tibble Source code
version_to_download_urls Source code
version_to_xml_url Source code
HPAanalyze documentation built on Nov. 26, 2020, 2:01 a.m.