Man pages for LINC
co-expression of lincRNAs and protein-coding genes

Arith-methodsPlus Operator '+' In 'LINC'
assignment-methodsMethods for the Getter Function 'assignment' in Package...
BRAIN_EXPRmRNA Expression Of Normal BRAIN From GTEX And TCGA
changeOrgDbChange the Gene Annotation / Model Organism
clusterlinc-methodsCluster Queried ncRNAs Based On Their Interaction Partners
correlation-methodsMethods for the Getter Function 'correlation' in Package...
express-methodsMethods for the Getter Function 'express' in Package 'LINC'
featureManipulate Objects Of The 'LINC' class
getbio-methodsFind Enriched Biological Terms For A Cluster
getcoexprGet IDs For Co-Expressed Genes from The 'LINC' Class
getlinc-methodsSubsetting for 'LINC' objects
history-methodsMethods for the Getter Function 'history' in Package 'LINC'
justlinc-methodsCo-Expression Analysis Of ncRNA Genes In One Step
LINCbio-classClass '"LINCbio"'
LINCcluster-classClass '"LINCcluster"'
linCenvir-methodsMethods for the Getter Function 'linCenvir' in Package 'LINC'
LINCfeature-classClass '"LINCfeature"'
LINCmatrix-classClass '"LINCmatrix"'
linc-methodsCompute A Correlation Matrix of Co-expressed Coding And...
LINCsingle-classClass '"LINCsingle"'
linctable-methodsWrite To Table 'LINC'
plotlinc-methodsPlot Objects Of The 'LINC' class
queryclusterCluster One ncRNA Gene Based On Its Co-Expression in Multiple...
results-methodsMethods for the Getter Function 'results' in Package 'LINC'
singlelinc-methodsCo-Expression Analysis Of A Single ncRNA Gene
LINC documentation built on April 28, 2020, 6:44 p.m.