Man pages for LOBSTAHS
Lipid and Oxylipin Biomarker Screening through Adduct Hierarchy Sequences

doLOBscreenScreen, annotate, and identify compounds in an xsAnnotate...
exportDBtoCSVExport a LOBSTAHS database (LOBdbase) object to a text file
extractLOBdbasedataExtract compound data from a LOBdbase
generateLOBdbaseConduct _in silico_ simulation and generate lipid-oxylipin...
getLOBpeaklistExport screened LOBSTAHS peaklist with compound assignments
loadLOBdbaseImport and reconstruct LOBdbase from a text file
LOBdbaseLOBdbase constructor for manual creation or reconstruction of...
LOBdbase-classClass LOBdbase: A class for LOBSTAHS lipid-oxylipin databases
LOBdefaultsLOBSTAHS default databases and database generation parameters
LOBSetLOBSet constructor for manual creation or reconstruction of a...
LOBSet-classClass LOBSet: Peak data with annotations, isomers, and...
LOBSTAHS documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:47 p.m.