Man pages for MEAT
Muscle Epigenetic Age Test

BMIQcalibrationCalibrate methylation data to a gold standard.
clean_betaClean beta-matrix.
CpGs_in_MEATDescription of the CpGs used in MEAT
CpGs_in_MEAT2.0Description of the CpGs used in MEAT2.0
elasticnet_model_MEATElastic net model used in the original muscle clock (MEAT).
elasticnet_model_MEAT2.0Elastic net model used in the updated muscle clock (MEAT...
epiage_estimationEstimates age in skeletal muscle from calibrated DNA...
gold.mean.MEATMean methylation in dataset GSE50498 reduced to the 19,401...
gold.mean.MEAT2.0Mean methylation in dataset GSE50498 reduced to the 18,747...
GSE121961GSE121961 methylation data
GSE121961_phenoGSE121961 phenotypes
MEAT-packageMEAT: Muscle Epigenetic Age Test
MEAT documentation built on April 1, 2021, 6:01 p.m.