Man pages for PAPi
Predict metabolic pathway activity based on metabolomics data

addKeggCodesIn a data frame, it substitutes the name of compounds by...
buildDatabaseBuild a local database containing the required information...
keggLibraryAn example of the library mapping name of compounds to their...
metabolomicsDataAn example of metabolomics data set used by 'addKeggCodes'.
papipapi - Pathway Activity Profiling
papiDataAn example of the data frame produced by 'addKeggCodes' and...
papiHtestApply ANOVA or t-test to results produced by 'papi'.
papiLinepapiLine generates a line graph of results obtained using...
PAPi-packagePathway Activity Profiling
papiResultsAn example of the data frame produced by 'papi'.
PAPi documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 3:19 a.m.