Man pages for PCAtools
PCAtools: Everything Principal Components Analysis

biplotDraw a bi-plot, comparing 2 selected principal components /...
chooseGavishDonohoChoosing PCs with the Gavish-Donoho method
chooseMarchenkoPasturChoosing PCs with the Marchenko-Pastur limit
eigencorplotCorrelate principal components to continuous variable...
findElbowPointFind the elbow point in the curve of variance explained by...
getComponentsReturn the principal component labels for an object of class...
getLoadingsReturn component loadings for principal components from an...
getVarsReturn the explained variation for each principal component...
pairsplotDraw multiple bi-plots.
parallelPCAPerform Horn's parallel analysis to choose the number of...
pcaPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) is a very powerful...
plotloadingsPlot the component loadings for selected principal components...
screeplotDraw a SCREE plot, showing the distribution of explained...
PCAtools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:17 p.m.