Array | Create and access elements of Java arrays from R. |
convertFromJava | Convert Java instance to R instances and vice versa |
defaultJavaPath | Obtain the Java path or other variable Sys.getenv |
Dollar | Accessing Java classes, methods and field |
DotjavaConfig | The default options for initializing the Java Virtual Machine |
DotJavaSigs | A vector of Java type specifiers |
expandClassName | The fully qualified name of a Java class |
foreignReference | Create a reference to an R object for use by a foreing... |
getForeignReferences | Get the names of the objects in the Omegahat system |
getJavaConverterDescriptions | Retrieves descriptions for the registered converters between... |
getJavaHandler | Obtains the current R foreign reference manager |
getMethods | List the methods or constructors of a Java object. |
getNumJavaConverters | Returns the number of converters registered between R and... |
interfaceGenerator | Generates a template "closure" to represent a Java... |
isJavaInitialized | Determines whether the JVM has been created. |
Java | Invokes a Java method |
javaConfig | Returns a configuration object for initializing the Java... |
JavaConfiguration-class | Class "JavaConfiguration" |
JavaConstructor | Create a Java object |
javaHandlerGenerator | Manages exporting of R objects to Java/Omegahat and calls... |
JavaInit | Initialize or terminate the Java Virtual Machine |
javaIs | Performs class comparisons for Java objects |
javaMatchFunctions | Symbolic constants for how classes are matched in conversion |
javaSig | Converts an R type name to a Java type |
JavaTerminate | Terminates the Java Virtual Machine |
JClass | Returns a reference to a Java class. |
jdynamicCompile | Dynamically Compile a Java Class |
mergePath | Merges classpath specifications |
mergeProperties | Creates the union of two named character vectors, converting... |
OmegahatExpression | Execute an Omegahat/Java expression |
omegahatReference | Creates a local object representing a Java reference |
removeJavaConverter | Removes a converter for R and Java objects in the R-Java... |
RSJava.symbol | Expands a name to a C routine name in this package. |
RtoJavaSig | Returns the Java type identifier for an R object |
setConvertible | Register a Java class as being convertible to an R object |
setJavaConverter | Add a converter from Java to an R object |
setJavaFunctionConverter | Registers a function to convert between R and Java objects |
setJavaHandler | Register a handler for exporting R objects to foreign... |
SJava-internal | Functions for internal or illustrative use by SJava |
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