TMixClust-package: The main usages of TMixClust

Description Overview Author(s) References


Description of package TMixClust


TMixClust is a soft-clustering method which employs mixed-effects models with nonparametric smoothing spline fitting and is able to robustly stratify genes by their complex time series patterns. The package has, besides the main clustering method, a set of functionalities assisting the user to visualise and assess the clustering results, and to choose the most optimal clustering solution.


Monica Golumbeanu,


Golumbeanu M, Desfarges S, Hernandez C, Quadroni M, Rato S, Mohammadi P, Telenti A, Beerenwinkel N, Ciuffi A. (2017) Dynamics of Proteo-Transcriptomic Response to HIV-1 Infection.

TMixClust documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:13 p.m.