Man pages for alsace
ALS for the Automatic Chemical Exploration of mixtures

alsace-packageAlternating Least Squares in an Analytic Chemistry...
componentsFunctions to assess and refine ALS components
correctPeaksCorrect peak positions according to a ptw warping model
correctRTRetention time correction for ALS chromatographic profiles
doALSWrapper function for als, plus some support functions
filterPeaksFilter peak lists
fitpeaksFit chromatographic peaks with a gaussian profile
getAllPeaksExtract all peaks from the chromatographic profiles of an ALS...
getPeakTableConvert MCR results into an ordered peak table
opaFinding the most dissimilar variables in a data matrix: the...
preprocessPreprocessing smooth time-wavelength data
showALSresultPlot ALS results in a more elaborate way
teaHLPC-DAD data for grape extracts conserved with TEA
teaMergedResults of an ALS analysis on individual windows
windowsSplitting and merging of data across the time axis.
alsace documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:54 p.m.