Man pages for biosvd
Package for high-throughput data processing, outlier detection, noise removal and dynamic modeling

assayColorMap-setSet assayColorMap for object of EigensystemPlotParam
biosvdPackage for high-throughput data processing, outlier...
compute-methodsCompute the eigensystem for a feature by assay matrix
contrast-setSet contrast for object of EigensystemPlotParam
Eigensystem-classThe Eigensystem class
EigensystemPlotParam-classThe EigensystemPlotParam class
exclude-methodsExcludes specified eigenfeatures/eigenassays from the data
featureColorMap-setSet featureColorMap for object of EigensystemPlotParam
figure-setSet figure for object of EigensystemPlotParam
filenames-setSet filenames for object of EigensystemPlotParam
HeLaDataHuman HeLa Cell Cycle Expression
negativeValues-setSet negativeValues for object of EigensystemPlotParam
palette-setSet palette for object of EigensystemPlotParam
path-setSet path for object of EigensystemPlotParam
plot-methodsGenerate visualizations of the eigensystem
plots-setSet plots for object of EigensystemPlotParam
prefix-setSet prefix for object of EigensystemPlotParam
project-methodsProjects the data onto one or two eigenfeatures and...
report-methodsCreates a report of the eigensystem
StarvationDataHuman HeLa Cell Cycle Expression
whichAssays-setSet whichAssays for object of EigensystemPlotParam
whichEigenassays-setSet whichEigenassays for object of EigensystemPlotParam
whichEigenfeatures-setSet whichEigenfeatures for object of EigensystemPlotParam
whichFeatures-setSet whichFeatures for object of EigensystemPlotParam
whichPolarAxes-setSet whichPolarAxes for object of EigensystemPlotParam
YeastDataYeast Cell Cycle Expression
biosvd documentation built on April 28, 2020, 6:32 p.m.