Man pages for netprioR
A model for network-based prioritisation of genes

cmnClass Mass Normalization (CMN) from Zhu et al., 2003
conjugate_gradientConjugate Gradient Solver
cuthill_mckeeCuthill McKee (CM) algorithm
fit-methodsFit 'netprioR' model
laplacianGraph Laplacian
learnFit netprioR model
netprioR-packagePackage: netprioR
norm_kernNormalise kernel
plot.netprioRPlot method for 'netprioR' objects
ranks-methodsRetrieve ranked prioritisation list
ROC-methodsCompute ROC curve from netprioR model and true labels
simulate_labelsSimulate labels
simulate_network_randomSimulate random networks with predefined number of members...
simulate_network_scalefreeSimulate scalefree networks
simulate_phenotypeSimulate phenotypes correlated to labels pivoted into two...
simulationExample data: Simulated networks, phenotypes and labels for N...
weights-methodsRetrieve network weights
netprioR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:40 p.m.