Man pages for panelcn.mops
CNV detection tool for targeted NGS panel data

controlGRanges object of countWindows with read counts for control...
countBamListInGRangesGet read counts for a list of BAM files and given count...
countWindowsresult object of getWindows - a data.frame with the contents...
createResultTableCreates a user readable result table for the test samples of...
getWindowsConvert BED file into data.frame of count windows
panelcn.mopsCore copy number detection algorithm for targeted NGS panel...
plotBoxplotCreate box plot of normalized read counts
read.widthread width used for calculating RCs of test and control
resultlistresult object of runPanelcnMops - a list of instances of...
runPanelcnMopsFull copy number detection for targeted NGS panel data for...
splitROIsSplit (larger) ROIs into multiple smaller (overlapping) bins...
testGRanges object of countWindows with read counts for a test...
panelcn.mops documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:56 p.m.