Man pages for rHVDM
Hidden Variable Dynamic Modeling

estimerrorscomputes the standard deviation of the measurement error...
fitgeneFits the optimal kinetic parameter values for a particular...
fitgene.linFits the optimal kinetic parameter values for a particular...
fitgene.nlFits the optimal kinetic parameter values for a particular...
fiveGyMAS5Example data for the rHVDM package (time course of irradiated...
genestoscreenGenes differentially expressed
HVDMcheckChecks that an object of class ExpressionSet is compliant...
HVDMreportgenerates an HTML report using the input
leastnoisychipsIdentifiers of the three least noisy arrays in the p53...
p53traingenesKnown p53 targets
rHVDMplattformsplattform-specific repository allowing to estimate...
screeningFits the optimal kinetic parameter values for several genes.
screening.nlFits the optimal kinetic parameter values for several genes...
trainingPerforms the HVDM training step and returns a list containing...
training.nlPerforms the HVDM training step and returns a list containing...
twodosesMAS5Example data for the rHVDM package (time course of irradiated...
rHVDM documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:51 a.m.