ribor: ribor: A package for reading .ribo files

Description Vignette Related Tools Package Content


The 'ribor' package offers a suite of reading functions for the datasets present in a .ribo file and also provides some rudimentary plotting functions.


To get started with the ribor package, please see the vignette page at https://ribosomeprofiling.github.io/ribor/ribor.html.

Related Tools

The paper associated with the Ribo ecosystem can be found at https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa028/5701654.

For more information on the preprocessing pipeline, please see the link to the source code at https://github.com/ribosomeprofiling/riboflow.

For more information on the .ribo file format, please see its documentation page at https://ribopy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ribo_file_format.html.

For an alternative to ribor, please see a link to source code of ribopy, a python interface, at https://github.com/ribosomeprofiling/ribopy.

Package Content

Generating a ribo object

Ribo to get started

Length Distribution

get_length_distribution to get length distribution counts

plot_length_distribution to plot the length distribution

Region Counts

get_region_counts to get region counts

plot_region_counts to plot the region counts

Metagene Coverage

get_metagene to get metagene site coverage

get_tidy_metagene to get a tidy format of the metagene site coverage

plot_metagene to plot the metagene site coverage

ribor documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:50 p.m.