Man pages for soGGi
Visualise ChIP-seq, MNase-seq and motif occurrence as aggregate plots Summarised Over Grouped Genomic Intervals

chipExampleBigExample ChIPprofiles
ChIPprofileThe soggi function and ChIPprofile object.
findconsensusRegionsPlot coverage of points or regions.
groupByOverlapsCreate GRangeslist from all combinations of GRanges
ik_ExampleExample Ikaros peaksets
ik_ProfilesExample Ikaros signal over peaksets
manipulateObjectsJoin, subset and manipulate ChIPprofile objects
normaliseNormalise ChIPprofiles
normaliseQuantilesNormalise quantile
OpsArithmetic operations
orientBySet strand by overlapping or nearest anchor GRanges
plotRegionPlot regions
pwmCovExample motif coverage
pwmToCoveragePWM hits and motif scores as an RLElist
singleGRangeA single GRange
soGGi documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:24 p.m.