Man pages for widgetTools
Creates an interactive tcltk widget

basicPW-classClass "basicPW", a basic class for primary widgets
buttonFunctions to construct objects of primary widgets and render...
dropdownListA widget to mimic a dropdown list
makeViewerPut a Scrollable List Box into a tkWidget.
oneVScrListA function that creates a groups of list boxes sharing a...
safeFileOpenA function that checks to see if a connection can be made to...
tooltipA tcltk widget to mimic a tooltip
widget-classClass "widget" creates a widget with primary widgets...
widgetView-classClass "widgetView", a class for a GUI type widget holding...
writeTextFunctions that read from and write to tcltk widgets
widgetTools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:29 p.m.