Man pages for ABACUS
Apps Based Activities for Communicating and Understanding Statistics

ABACUS-packageApps Based Activities for Communicating and Understanding...
shiny_anovaShiny App to Demonstrate Analysis of Variance
shiny_dnormShiny App to Explore Properties of the Normal Distribution
shiny_dnorm_dtShiny App to Explore Properties of Normal and Student's t...
shiny_onesamptShiny App to Demonstrate One-Sample Student's t-Test
shiny_onesampzShiny App to Demonstrate One-Sample Z-Test
shiny_samplingShiny App to Explore Properties of Sampling Distributions
shiny_twosamptShiny App to Demonstrate Two-Sample Independent (Unpaired)...
ABACUS documentation built on Sept. 20, 2019, 9:03 a.m.