Man pages for AGHmatrix
Relationship Matrices for Diploid and Autopolyploid Species

AmatrixConstruction of Relationship Matrix A
AmatrixPolyCrossConstruction of pedigree-based relationship matrix with...
datatreatOrganizes pedigree data in a chronological way
expandAmatrixAdd new crosses to a current A matrix
filterpedigreeFilter the pedigree to keep only the genealogy of a subset of...
formatmatrixTransform a matrix in 3 columns
GmatrixConstruction of Relationship Matrix G
HmatrixConstruction of Combined Relationship Matrix H
McheckCheck and filter markers
missingdataSurvying on missing data
ped.mrodePedigree Data
ped.solPedigree data for autopolyploid examples
snp.pineMolecular data for diploid examples
snp.solMolecular data for autopolyploid examples
AGHmatrix documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 1:07 a.m.