Man pages for AHMbook
Functions and Data for the Book 'Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology' Vols 1 and 2

AHMbook-packageFunctions and data for the Book "Applied Hierarchical...
bigCrossCorrCross correlations for MCMC output
ch2marrayConverts capture-histories to an m-array
color_rampsColor Ramps
data_BerneseOberlandLandscape data for the Bernese Oberland around Interlaken, in...
data_crestedTitCount data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey MHB for...
data_crossbillAHMData from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey MHB for European...
data_cswaPoint count and spot-mapping data for Chestnut-sided Warbler
data_dragonfliesFictional data for dragonflies
data_duskySalamandersAge-classified counts of dusky salamanders from two...
data_EurasianLynxData for Eurasian lynx from Switzerland and Italy (only...
data_FinnmarkData from surveys of birds in Finnmark in NE Norway
data_FrenchPeregrinesData for observations of peregrines from the French Jura...
data_greenWoodpeckerCount data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey for Green...
data_HubbardBrookWarbler point count data from the Hubbard Brook Experimental...
data_MesoCarnivoresCamera trap data for Bobcat, Coyote and Red Fox
data_MHB2014Data from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey MHB 2014
data_simDynoccSpatialDataSimulated data from 'simDynoccSpatial' for AHM2 section...
data_spottedWoodpeckerData for observations of Middle Spotted Woodpecker in...
data_SwissAtlasHaData for 1ha quadrats from the Swiss Breeding Bird Atlas
data_SwissEagleOwlsTerritory-level, multi-state detection/nondetection data for...
data_SwissMarbledWhiteData for Swiss Marbled White butterflies
data_SwissSquirrelsData for Red Squirrels in Switzerland from the Swiss breeding...
data_SwissTitsData from the Swiss Breeding Bird Survey for 6 species of...
data_treeSparrowAmerican Tree Sparrow data from Alaska
data_ttdPeregrineTime-to-detection data for peregrines from the French Jura...
data_UKmarbledWhiteData for UK Marbled White butterflies
data_wagtailData for Dutch wagtails
data_waterVolesData for the Mighty Water Voles of Scotland, UK.
data_wigglyLineCoordinates for a wiggly line transect
data_willowWarblerConstant effort site (CES) data for British Willow Warblers
e2distCalculates the pair-wise distances between two sets of points
fitstatsFunctions to return fit statistics
getLVcorrMatCompute results of a Joint Species Distribution Model (JSDM)
graphSSMPlot the results for a Gaussian state-space model
image_scaleHelper function to draw scale for image
map.Nmix.resiMapping of residuals
modSelFPModel selection results from a list of 'unmarkedFitOccuFP'...
piFunsCompute multinomial cell probabilities
playRNFunction to play Royle-Nichols (RN) model
plot_Nmix_resiProduce some residual plots
ppc.plotPlot results from posterior predictive check
sim3OccSimulate detection/nondetection data for static 3-level...
simCJSSimulate individual capture-histories under a...
simCommSimulate community occupancy or community abundance data
simDataDKSimulate data for an integrated species distribution model...
simData.fnSimulate count data under a binomial N-mixture model
simDCMSimulate detection/nondetection data under a general dynamic...
simDemoDynoccSimulate data under a demographic dynamic occupancy model
simDM_simDM0Simulate count data under the dynamic N-mixture model of...
simDSMSimulate line transect data for density surface modeling
simDynoccSimulate detection/nondetection data under a wide variety of...
simDynoccSpatialSimulate data under a dynamic occupancy model with spatial...
simExpCorrRFCreate a Gaussian random field with negative exponential...
simFnSimulate a Poisson point process
simFrogDiseaseSimulate detection data for diseased frogs
simHDSSimulate data under hierarchical distance sampling protocol...
simHDSgSimulate data under HDS protocol with groups
simHDSopenSimulate open hierarchical distance sampling data
simHDSpointSimulate data under hierarchical distance sampling point...
simHDStrSimulate HDS time-removal or double-observer data
simIDSSimulate data for an integrated distance sampling, point...
simIssj.simSimulate open distance sampling data for the Island Scrub...
simLdataSimulation of distance sampling data.
simMultMixSimulate the multinomial-mixture model
simNmixSimulate data for binomial and multinomial mixture models
simNmixSpatialSimulate replicated counts under a spatial, static binomial...
simNpCGenerate counts from a single population observed over T...
simOccSimulate data for static occupancy models under wide range of...
simOccSpatialSimulate replicated detection/nondetection data under a...
simOccttdSimulate time-to-detection occupancy data (single visits)
simPdataSimulate non-hierarchical point transect (= point count) data
simPHGenerate counts under a variant of a 'phenomenological model'
simpleNmixSimulate N-mixture data under a time-for-space substitution...
simPOPSimulate data for a demographic state-space model
simPPeSimulate a spatial point pattern in a heterogeneous landscape
simSpatialDSSimulates data for a basic spatial distance sampling model
simSpatialDSlineSimulate data for a standardized line transect
simSpatialDSteSimulate data for replicate line transect surveys with...
simSpatialHDSSimulates data for a hierarchical spatial distance sampling...
simWigglyOccSimulate static occupancy data
spline.prepPrepare input for BUGS model when fitting a spline for a...
standardizeScaling and centering of vectors, matrices and arrays
valid_dataValidates simulated observational data against...
zinitStarting values for survival analysis in JAGS/BUGS
AHMbook documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:37 a.m.