met.lp: Laplacian centrality

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met.lpR Documentation

Laplacian centrality


Calculates the symmetric version of Laplacian centrality for each vertex.


met.lp(M, df = NULL, dfid = NULL, binary = FALSE)



a square adjacency matrix, or a list of square adjacency matrices, or an output of ANT functions stat.ds.grp, stat.df.focal,


a data frame of same length as the input matrix or a list of data frames if argument M is a list of matrices or an output of ANT functions stat.ds.grp, stat.df.focal,


an integer or a string indicating the column with individual ids in argument df.


a boolean indicating the version of the Laplacian index, if TRUE it computes the binary version.


Laplacian centrality is the drop in the Laplacian energy of the graph when a vertex is removed. This version uses the degrees (for the binary version) or the strength (for the weighted version) to calculate Laplacian centrality.


  • An integer vector of nodes Laplacian centrality if argument df is NULL.

  • A list of integer vectors of nodes Laplacian centrality if argument M is a list of matrices and if argument df is NULL.

  • A list of arguments df with a new column for nodes Laplacian centrality if argumentdf is not NULL. The name of the column is adapted according to argument value binary.

  • A list of arguments df with a new column for nodes Laplacian centrality if 1) argument df is not NULL, 2) argument M is an output from ANT functions stat.ds.grp, stat.df.focal, for multiple matrices permutations, and 3) argument df is a list of data frames of same length as argument M.The name of the column of each element of the list is adapted according to argument value binary.


Sebastian Sosa, Ivan Puga-Gonzalez.


Qi, X., Fuller, E., Wu, Q., Wu, Y., & Zhang, C. Q. (2012). Laplacian centrality: A new centrality measure for weighted networks. Information Sciences, 194, 240-253.

Qi, X., Duval, R. D., Christensen, K., Fuller, E., Spahiu, A., Wu, Q., ... & Zhang, C. (2013). Terrorist networks, network energy and node removal: A new measure of centrality based on Laplacian energy. Social Networking, 2(01), 19.

Sosa, S. (2018). Social Network Analysis, in: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer.



ANTs documentation built on July 3, 2022, 1:05 a.m.

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