redo.perm.ds.grp.cum.scd: cumulative permutations on GBI or GBI with control factors

View source: R/redo.perm.ds.grp.R

redo.perm.ds.grp.cum.scdR Documentation

cumulative permutations on GBI or GBI with control factors


Performs cumulative data stream permutations for gambit of the group.


redo.perm.ds.grp.cum.scd(GBI, method, nperm, control_factor)



gbi or control gbi if control_factor in null or not respectivelly


not need of data frame of individuals associations, permutation are directly done inside the gbi, and it return a new gbi or control gbi if control_factor in null or not respectivelly with the permutations


A list of two elements with all the permutations : 1) gbi or control gbi if control_factor in null or not respectivelly; 2) Association matrix

ANTs documentation built on July 3, 2022, 1:05 a.m.