Man pages for APSIMBatch
Analysis the output of Apsim software

findElementFind a row for element name...
generateSimGenerate simulations according several factors...
getElementVlaueReplace a row for element name...
leftGet the several characters of a string from left...
lenGet the length of a string...
omitBlankOmit the blank of a string...
omitBlankSEOmit the start and end blank charcter...
removeAttribureRemove all attribure of a vector...
replaceElementVlaueReplace a row for element name...
rightGet the several characters of a string from right...
runAPSIMRun APSIM with HPC...
searchCharSearch a character from a string...
splitEqualSplit a string contained a equal mark...
vector2stringConvert vector to string...
APSIMBatch documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11 a.m.