coint_eq | R Documentation |
Creates the cointegrating equation (long-run level relationship) providing an 'ardl', 'uecm' or 'recm' model.
coint_eq(object, case)
## S3 method for class 'recm'
coint_eq(object, ...)
## Default S3 method:
coint_eq(object, case)
object |
An object of |
case |
An integer from 1-5 or a character string specifying whether the
'intercept' and/or the 'trend' have to participate in the long-run level
relationship (cointegrating equation) (see section 'Cases' below). If the
input object is of class 'recm', |
... |
Currently unused argument. |
returns an numeric vector containing the
cointegrating equation.
According to Pesaran et al. (2001), we distinguish the long-run relationship (cointegrating equation) (and thus the bounds-test and the Restricted ECMs) between 5 different cases. These differ in terms of whether the 'intercept' and/or the 'trend' are restricted to participate in the long-run relationship or they are unrestricted and so they participate in the short-run relationship.
No intercept and no trend.
inputs: 1 or "n" where "n" stands for none.
Restricted intercept and no trend.
inputs: 2 or "rc" where "rc" stands for restricted
Unrestricted intercept and no trend.
inputs: 3 or "uc" where "uc" stands for unrestricted
Unrestricted intercept and restricted trend.
inputs: 4 or "ucrt" where "ucrt" stands for
unrestricted constant and restricted trend.
Unrestricted intercept and unrestricted trend.
inputs: 5 or "ucut" where "ucut" stands for
unrestricted constant and unrestricted trend.
Note that you can't restrict (or leave unrestricted) a parameter that doesn't
exist in the input model. For example, you can't compute recm(object,
if the object is an ARDL (or UECM) model with no intercept. The same
way, you can't compute bounds_f_test(object, case=5)
if the object is
an ARDL (or UECM) model with no linear trend.
Pesaran, M. H., Shin, Y., & Smith, R. J. (2001). Bounds testing approaches to the analysis of level relationships. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), 289-326
Kleanthis Natsiopoulos,
library(zoo) # for cbind.zoo()
## Estimate the Cointegrating Equation of an ARDL(3,1,3,2) model -------
# From an ARDL model (under case 2, restricted constant)
ardl_3132 <- ardl(LRM ~ LRY + IBO + IDE, data = denmark, order = c(3,1,3,2))
ce2_ardl <- coint_eq(ardl_3132, case = 2)
# From an UECM (under case 2, restricted constant)
uecm_3132 <- uecm(ardl_3132)
ce2_uecm <- coint_eq(uecm_3132, case = 2)
# From a RECM (under case 2, restricted constant)
# Notice that if a RECM has already been estimated under a certain case,
# the 'coint_eq()' can't be under different case, so no 'case' argument needed.
recm_3132 <- recm(uecm_3132, case = 2)
# The RECM is already under case 2, so the 'case' argument is no needed
ce2_recm <- coint_eq(recm_3132)
identical(ce2_ardl, ce2_uecm, ce2_recm)
## Check for a degenerate level relationship ---------------------------
# The bounds F-test under both cases reject the Null Hypothesis of no level relationship.
bounds_f_test(ardl_3132, case = 2)
bounds_f_test(ardl_3132, case = 3)
# The bounds t-test also rejects the NUll Hypothesis of no level relationship.
bounds_t_test(ardl_3132, case = 3)
# But when the constant enters the long-run equation (case 3)
# this becomes a degenerate relationship.
ce3_ardl <- coint_eq(ardl_3132, case = 3)
plot_lr(ardl_3132, coint_eq = ce2_ardl, show.legend = TRUE)
plot_lr(ardl_3132, coint_eq = ce3_ardl, show.legend = TRUE)
plot_lr(ardl_3132, coint_eq = ce3_ardl, facets = TRUE, show.legend = TRUE)
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