Association Rule Mining"

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


```r sidebarPanel( inputPanel(

checkboxInput("ex","Uncheck if you want to use your dataset",value = TRUE), fileInput("file", "Upload the *.csv file with headers"), selectInput("format","Choose format of the dataset",choices = c("matrix","database"),selected = "database"), uiOutput("vx"), uiOutput("vy")

), inputPanel(

numericInput("support","Enter minimum support ratio",value = 0.2,step = 0.01), numericInput("confidence","Enter minimum confidenc ratio", value = 0.5,step =0.01), numericInput("minlen","Enter minimum length", value = 2,step =1,min = 2), numericInput("nrules","Enter how many rules", value = 1,step =1)

), inputPanel( numericInput("nitems","Enter how many items", value = 1,step =1), downloadButton("downloadPlot", "Download ItemFrequency Plot") ), inputPanel( numericInput("nshelfs","Enter how many shelfs", value = 2,step =1), downloadButton("downloadPlot2", "Download ItemShelfPlot") ) ) mainPanel( h6("Enter the Item Names (on the first row margin) and transactionID(on the first column),Edit the binary values between"), uiOutput("mat"), numericInput("nrows","Enter number of transactions",value = 2), numericInput("ncols","Enter number of items", value = 3), downloadButton("downloaddata", "Download Dataset in Matrix Format"), br(), br(), tabsetPanel(type = "tab", tabPanel("Rules",verbatimTextOutput("AssRules")), tabPanel("Rules-Visuals",plotlyOutput("AssRulesV")), tabPanel("ItemFrequencyPlot",plotOutput("ItemFP")), tabPanel("Shelf-Design",plotOutput("AffV")) )

) h6("", tags$img(src ="K.JPG", height= 400, width=400))

output$mat <- renderUI({ matrixInput( "myMatrix", value = matrix(c(1,0,0,1,0,0),input$nrows,input$ncols),

   rows = list(names= TRUE,editableNames = TRUE),
   cols = list( names = TRUE,editableNames = TRUE),
   copy = TRUE,
   paste = TRUE,
   class = 'numeric'

}) output$AssRules <- renderPrint({

 CT =  matrix(input$myMatrix,nrow = input$nrows, ncol = input$ncols)
 row.names(CT) = row.names(input$myMatrix)
 colnames(CT) = colnames(input$myMatrix)

 if(input$ex == TRUE)    
 {   txn = as(CT, "transactions")

cat(sprintf("\n The details of the rules formed are as follows\n")) rules = arules::apriori(txn,parameter = list(support = input$support, confidence= input$confidence,minlen = input$minlen,target = "rules")) arules::inspect(head(sort(rules,by = "lift"),n =input$nrules))



   if(input$format == "matrix" && input$ex == FALSE)
      file1 = input$file
 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
     ds =  data.frame(data)
     CT = as.matrix(ds)
    txn = as(CT, "transactions")

cat(sprintf("\n The details of the rules formed are as follows\n")) rules = arules::apriori(txn,parameter = list(support= input$support, confidence= input$confidence,minlen = input$minlen,target = "rules")) arules::inspect(head(sort(rules,by = "lift"),n =input$nrules))

   if(input$format == "database" && input$ex == FALSE)
     file1 = input$file
 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
     indexproduct= grep(input$variablex, colnames(data))
     indextrans= grep(input$variabley, colnames(data))
     splitdataset = split(data[,indexproduct],data[,indextrans])
     txn = as(splitdataset,"transactions")

cat(sprintf("\n The details of the rules formed are as follows\n")) rules = arules:: apriori(txn,parameter = list(support = input$support, confidence= input$confidence,minlen = input$minlen,target = "rules")) arules::inspect(head(sort(rules,by = "lift"),n =input$nrules))



output$AssRulesV <- renderPlotly({ CT = matrix(input$myMatrix,nrow = input$nrows, ncol = input$ncols) row.names(CT) = row.names(input$myMatrix) colnames(CT) = colnames(input$myMatrix)

 if(input$ex == TRUE)    
 {   txn = as(CT, "transactions")

  rules = arules:: apriori(txn,parameter = list(support = input$support, confidence = input$confidence,minlen = input$minlen,target = "rules"))

arulesViz::plotly_arules(head(sort(rules,by = "lift"),n =input$nrules))



   if(input$format == "matrix" && input$ex == FALSE)
      file1 = input$file
 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
     ds =  data.frame(data)
     CT = as.matrix(ds)
    txn = as(CT, "transactions")

rules = arules:: apriori(txn,parameter = list(support = input$support, confidence = input$confidence,minlen = input$minlen,target = "rules")) arulesViz::plotly_arules(head(sort(rules,by = "lift"),n =input$nrules)) } else { if(input$format == "database" && input$ex == FALSE) { file1 = input$file if(is.null(file1)){return()} data = read.table(file = file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE) if(is.null(data())){return()} indexproduct= grep(input$variablex, colnames(data)) indextrans= grep(input$variabley, colnames(data)) splitdataset = split(data[,indexproduct],data[,indextrans]) txn = as(splitdataset,"transactions")

rules = arules::apriori(txn,parameter = list(support = input$support, confidence = input$confidence,minlen = input$minlen,target = "rules")) arulesViz::plotly_arules(head(sort(rules,by = "lift"),n =input$nrules)) } } }


output$ItemFP <- renderPlot({ CT = matrix(input$myMatrix,nrow = input$nrows, ncol = input$ncols) row.names(CT) = row.names(input$myMatrix) colnames(CT) = colnames(input$myMatrix)

 if(input$ex == TRUE)    
 {   txn = as(CT, "transactions")

arules::itemFrequencyPlot(txn, topN=input$nitems, type="absolute", main="Item Frequency")


   if(input$format == "matrix" && input$ex == FALSE)
      file1 = input$file
 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
     ds =  data.frame(data)
     CT = as.matrix(ds)
    txn = as(CT, "transactions")

arules::itemFrequencyPlot(txn, topN=input$nitems, type="absolute", main="Item Frequency") } else { if(input$format == "database" && input$ex == FALSE) { file1 = input$file if(is.null(file1)){return()} data = read.table(file = file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE) if(is.null(data())){return()} indexproduct= grep(input$variablex, colnames(data)) indextrans= grep(input$variabley, colnames(data)) splitdataset = split(data[,indexproduct],data[,indextrans]) txn = as(splitdataset,"transactions")

arules::itemFrequencyPlot(txn, topN=input$nitems, type="absolute", main="Item Frequency") } } }


output$AffV <- renderPlot({ CT = matrix(input$myMatrix,nrow = input$nrows, ncol = input$ncols) row.names(CT) = row.names(input$myMatrix) colnames(CT) = colnames(input$myMatrix)

 if(input$ex == TRUE)    
 {   txn = as(CT, "transactions")

distance = arules::dissimilarity(txn,which = "items",method = "dice") fit = hclust(distance,method = "ward.D") plot(fit,main = "Dendogram of items") rect.hclust(fit,k=input$nshelfs,border = "red")



   if(input$format == "matrix" && input$ex == FALSE)
      file1 = input$file
 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
     ds =  data.frame(data)
     CT = as.matrix(ds)
    txn = as(CT, "transactions")

distance = arules::dissimilarity(txn,which = "items",method = "dice") fit = hclust(distance,method = "ward.D") plot(fit,main = "Dendogram of items") rect.hclust(fit,k=input$nshelfs,border = "red")

   if(input$format == "database" && input$ex == FALSE)
     file1 = input$file
 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
     indexproduct= grep(input$variablex, colnames(data))
     indextrans= grep(input$variabley, colnames(data))
     splitdataset = split(data[,indexproduct],data[,indextrans])
     txn = as(splitdataset,"transactions")

distance = arules::dissimilarity(txn,which = "items",method = "dice") fit = hclust(distance,method = "ward.D") plot(fit,main = "Dendogram of items") rect.hclust(fit,k=input$nshelfs,border = "red") } } }


datasetInput1 <- reactive({ CT = matrix(input$myMatrix,nrow = input$nrows, ncol = input$ncols) row.names(CT) = row.names(input$myMatrix) colnames(CT) = colnames(input$myMatrix) dataset = data.frame(CT)

}) output$downloaddata <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { filetitle = paste("dataset") paste(filetitle, ".csv", sep = "") }, content = function(file) {

  write.csv(datasetInput1(), file, row.names = FALSE)


output$vx <- renderUI({

 file1 = input$file

 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)

 if(input$format == "database")

{ selectInput("variablex","Select the ItemID column",choices =
colnames(data),selected = colnames(data))}

}) output$vy <- renderUI({

 file1 = input$file

 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)

 ds = dplyr:: select(data,-c(input$variablex))

 if(input$format == "database")

{ selectInput("variabley","Select the Transaction ID column",choices =
colnames(ds),selected = colnames(ds))}


output$downloadPlot<- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste("ItemFrequencyPlot", ".png", sep = "") }, content = function(file) { png(file) CT = matrix(input$myMatrix,nrow = input$nrows, ncol = input$ncols) row.names(CT) = row.names(input$myMatrix) colnames(CT) = colnames(input$myMatrix)

 if(input$ex == TRUE)    
 {   txn = as(CT, "transactions")

arules::itemFrequencyPlot(txn, topN=input$nitems, type="absolute", main="Item Frequency")



   if(input$format == "matrix" && input$ex == FALSE)
      file1 = input$file
 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
     ds =  data.frame(data)
     CT = as.matrix(ds)
    txn = as(CT, "transactions")

arules::itemFrequencyPlot(txn, topN=input$nitems, type="absolute", main="Item Frequency") } else { if(input$format == "database" && input$ex == FALSE) { file1 = input$file if(is.null(file1)){return()} data = read.table(file = file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE) if(is.null(data())){return()} indexproduct= grep(input$variablex, colnames(data)) indextrans= grep(input$variabley, colnames(data)) splitdataset = split(data[,indexproduct],data[,indextrans]) txn = as(splitdataset,"transactions")

arules::itemFrequencyPlot(txn, topN=input$nitems, type="absolute", main="Item Frequency") } } }

output$downloadPlot2<- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste("ItemShelfPlot", ".png", sep = "") }, content = function(file) { png(file) CT = matrix(input$myMatrix,nrow = input$nrows, ncol = input$ncols) row.names(CT) = row.names(input$myMatrix) colnames(CT) = colnames(input$myMatrix)

 if(input$ex == TRUE)    
 {   txn = as(CT, "transactions")

distance = arules::dissimilarity(txn,which = "items",method = "dice") fit = hclust(distance,method = "ward.D") plot(fit,main = "Dendogram of items") rect.hclust(fit,k=input$nshelfs,border = "red")



   if(input$format == "matrix" && input$ex == FALSE)
      file1 = input$file
 data =  read.table(file =  file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE)
     ds =  data.frame(data)
     CT = as.matrix(ds)
    txn = as(CT, "transactions")

distance = arules::dissimilarity(txn,which = "items",method = "dice") fit = hclust(distance,method = "ward.D") plot(fit,main = "Dendogram of items") rect.hclust(fit,k=input$nshelfs,border = "red") } else { if(input$format == "database" && input$ex == FALSE) { file1 = input$file if(is.null(file1)){return()} data = read.table(file = file1$datapath,sep =",",header = TRUE) if(is.null(data())){return()} indexproduct= grep(input$variablex, colnames(data)) indextrans= grep(input$variabley, colnames(data)) splitdataset = split(data[,indexproduct],data[,indextrans]) txn = as(splitdataset,"transactions")

distance = arules::dissimilarity(txn,which = "items",method = "dice") fit = hclust(distance,method = "ward.D") plot(fit,main = "Dendogram of items") rect.hclust(fit,k=input$nshelfs,border = "red") } } }

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ASSOCShiny documentation built on May 14, 2019, 5:05 p.m.