Man pages for AcousticNDLCodeR
Coding Sound Files for Use with NDL

CODEHelper function for makeCues
CorpusCoderCodes a corpus for use with NDL with vector of wavefile names...
getBoundaryHelper function for makeCues that splits the signal based on...
makeCuesCreates a string with the cues for each frequency band and...
readESPSAnnotationReads a ESPS/Old Wavesurfer style annotation file and returns...
readTextGridFastReads a TextGrid made with praat and returns a list with a...
readTextGridRobustReads a TextGrid made with praat and returns a list with a...
readWavesurferReads a New Wavesurfer style annotation file and returns a...
word_classification_dataData of PLoS ONE paper
AcousticNDLCodeR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:01 a.m.