Man pages for AmericanCallOpt
This package includes pricing function for selected American call options with underlying assets that generate payouts.

am_call_binBinomial pricing of a standard American call
am_call_bin_contpayBinomial option price with continuous payout from the...
am_call_bin_currencyBinomial pricing of an American call on currency futures
am_call_bin_futuresBinomial pricing of a futures American call
am_call_bin_propdivBinomial price of an American call with an underlying stock...
am_call_partialsHedge parameters of a standard American call option using a...
am_call_perpetualAnalytical pricing of an American perpetual call
AmericanCallOpt-packagePricing of selected American call options with payoff from...
AmericanCallOpt documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:35 a.m.