Man pages for AnalyzeTS
Analyze Fuzzy Time Series

AnalyzeTS-packageAnalyze Fuzzy Time Series
av.resThe criterion to evaluate forecasting model
ChenHsu.binDevide point-bin values in Chen-Hsu model
CMACenter Moving Average
Compare.CsComparing and sort Abbasov-Mamedova models or NFTS models
DgroupDiscriptives Follow Groups
DOCFinding the best C value
enrollmentTime Series of Enrollment
Fitted.arimaFitted for ARIMA model
forecastGARCHForecast GARCH Model
forecast.Greg.tsForcast group regression models Time-Series
fuzzy.ts1Chen, Sing, Heuristic and Chen-Hsu models
fuzzy.ts2Abbasov Mamedova model and FVD model
GChenHsu.binDevide point-bin values in more Chen-Hsu models at the same...
GDOCFinding the best C values
Gfuzzy.ts1Chen, Sing, Heuristic and Chen-Hsu models at the same time
Greg.tsGroup regression models for Time-Series
grid.onGrid on
pmaxThe lag maximum value
PrintAICPrint AIC Values
round2strrounded and converted to string of numbers
SESSimple Exponential Smoothing
AnalyzeTS documentation built on Dec. 9, 2019, 1:07 a.m.