Man pages for AnnoProbe
Annotate the Gene Symbols for Probes in Expression Array

annoGeneAnnotate gene IDs according to GTF files in gencode
check_diff_genesCheck a list of genes how they show difference.
checkGPLCheck whether the input gpl in our platform list or not
deg_heatmapdraw a heatmap for DEG result
deg_volcanodraw a volcano for DEG result
filterEMFilter expression matrix based on annotation
geoChinaDownload expression dataset by GSE id
getGPLListGet all GPL list in our package 'getGPLList' returns all the...
GSE27533An example dataset
GSE95166An example dataset
idmapGet Probe Annotation
printGPLInfoPrint GPL information
AnnoProbe documentation built on Nov. 14, 2022, 9:05 a.m.