Man pages for AnthropMMD
An R Package for the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD)

absolute_freqsA toy example dataset for mean measures of divergence, in a...
AnthropMMD-packageAn R package for the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD)
binary_to_tableConverts a data frame of binary (i.e., presence/absence)...
mmdCompute MMD values from a table of sample sizes and relative...
mmd_bootImplementation of Fidalgo et al.'s (2022) method of bootstrap...
plot.anthropmmd_bootDisplay a multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot using Fidalgo...
plot.anthropmmd_resultDisplay a multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot with the MMD...
select_traitsSelect a subset of traits meeting certain criteria
start_mmdAn R-Shiny application for the mean measure of divergence
table_relfreqConverts a table of sample sizes and frequencies into a table...
toyMMDA toy example dataset for mean measures of divergence, in a...
AnthropMMD documentation built on Aug. 8, 2023, 5:12 p.m.