Man pages for Aoptbdtvc
A-Optimal Block Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with Controls

alternate.solGet an altnernate solution for particular row of incidence...
alternate.sol2Get an altnernate solution for particular row of incidence...
alternate.sol3Get an altnernate solution for particular row of incidence...
aoptbbpbA-optimal balanced bipartite block designs
aoptgdtdA-optimal group divisible treatment designs
bbpbwqBBPB design with given parameters
block.designBlock design from given incidence matrix
btibtsBTIB design with given parameters
check.groupg function
gg function
gbbpbg function
getrowGet a particular row of incidence matrix
getrow2Get a particular row of incidence matrix
getrow3Get a particular row of incidence matrix
gettsValue of t and s which minimize g function
getwqValue of w and q which minimize g function
wtaoptbtibWeighted A-optimal balanced treatment incomplete block...
Aoptbdtvc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:50 p.m.