Man pages for BAwiR
Analysis of Basketball Data

acb_games_1718ACB games 2017-2018
acb_games_2223_coachACB coaches in the 2022-2023 season.
acb_games_2223_infoACB games 2022-2023, days and codes.
acb_players_1718ACB players 2017-2018
acb_shieldsShields of the ACB teams
acb_vbc_cz_pbp_2223ACB play-by-play data, 2022-2023, Valencia Basket-Casademont...
acb_vbc_cz_sl_2223ACB starting lineups, 2022-2023, Valencia Basket-Casademont...
BAwiR-packageAnalysis of Basketball Data
capit_two_wordsCapitalize two-word strings
do_add_adv_statsAdvanced statistics
do_clutch_timeGet games with clutch time
do_EPSEfficient Points Scored (EPS)
do_four_factors_dfFour factors data frame
do_ft_foulsCompute free throw fouls
do_join_games_bioJoin games and players' info
do_lineupCompute ACB lineups
do_map_natsData frame for the nationalities map
do_OEOffensive Efficiency (OE)
do_offensive_foulsCompute offensive fouls
do_possessionCompute when possessions start
do_prepare_dataPrepare ACB play-by-play data
do_prepare_data_orPrepare data for the offensive rebounds computation
do_prepare_data_toPrepare data for the timeouts computation
do_process_acb_pbpProcessing of the ACB website play-by-play data
do_reb_off_successCheck if scoring after offensive rebounds
do_scraping_gamesPlayer game finder data
do_scraping_rostersPlayers profile data
do_statsAccumulated or average statistics
do_stats_per_periodCompute stats per period
do_stats_teamsAccumulated and average statistics for teams
do_sub_lineupCompute ACB sub-lineups
do_time_out_successCheck if timeouts resulted in scoring
eurocup_games_1718Eurocup games 2017-2018
eurocup_players_1718Eurocup players 2017-2018
euroleague_games_1718Euroleague games 2017-2018
euroleague_players_1718Euroleague players 2017-2018
get_barplot_monthly_statsBarplots with monthly stats
get_bubble_plotBasketball bubble plot
get_four_factors_plotFour factors plot
get_games_rostersGet all games and rosters
get_heatmap_bbBasketball heatmap
get_map_natsNationalities map
get_pop_pyramidPopulation pyramid
get_shooting_plotShooting plot
get_similar_playersSimilar players to archetypoids
get_similar_teamsSimilar teams to archetypoids
get_stats_seasonsSeason-by-season stats
get_table_resultsLeague cross table
join_players_bio_age_acbJoin ACB games and players' info
join_players_bio_age_euroJoin Euroleague and Eurocup games and players' info
scraping_games_acbACB player game finder data
scraping_games_acb_oldOld ACB player game finder data
scraping_games_euroEuroleague and Eurocup player game finder data
scraping_rosters_acbACB players' profile
scraping_rosters_euroEuroleague and Eurocup players' profile
BAwiR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:25 a.m.