Man pages for BCA
Business and Customer Analytics

AthleticIntercollegiate Athletic Program Data Set
bootCVDCluster Solution Diagnositics Using Bootstrap Replicates
bpCentTwo Dimensional Biplot of a Clustering Solution
bpCent3dThree Dimensional Biplot of a Clustering Solution
CCSCharitable Giving Dataset
create.samplesCreate a Sample Membership Character Variable
EggsRetail Sales of Eggs
jack_jillSpending on Children's Apparel
lift.chartLift Charts to Compare Binary Predictive Models
relabel.factorRelabel Factor Levels
scatterplotBCAScatterplots with Boxplots
scatterplotMatrixBCAScatterplot Matrices
scoreScore a Database based on a Predictive Model
SD.clvA Wrapper Function for the clv.SD Function and its Components
SDIndexA Plot of SD Index Values for K-Means Clustering Solutions
variable.summaryBasic summary information of the variables of a data frame
BCA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:26 p.m.