Athletic: Intercollegiate Athletic Program Data Set

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The Athletic data set has 168 observations and 7 variables. The data come from a survey of stakeholders different (students, alumni, faculty, and athletic department employees) of a large US state university. The variables in the data set are conjoint analysis based relative importance weights for seven potential indicators of intercollegiate athletic program success.




This data set contains the following variables:


The importance of winning (won/loss record percentage) in determining the respondent's judgment of an intercollegiate athletic program's success.


The importance of student athlete graduation rates in determining the respondent's judgment of an intercollegiate athletic program's success.


The importance of NCAA rule violations in determining the respondent's judgment of an intercollegiate athletic program's success.


The importance of home game attendance in determining the respondent's judgment of an intercollegiate athletic program's success.


The importance of gender equity (based on the ratio of female to male student athletes) in determining the respondent's judgment of an intercollegiate athletic program's success.


The importance of the number of different sports teams in determining the respondent's judgment of an intercollegiate athletic program's success.


The importance of the financial success of the program in determining the respondent's judgment of an intercollegiate athletic program's success.


Wolfe, Richard A. and Daniel S. Putler (2002), "How Tight are the Ties that Bind Stakeholder Groups?, Organizaton Science, 13(January-February), 64-82.

BCA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:26 p.m.

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