Man pages for BCDating
Business Cycle Dating and Plotting Tools

avgtsTimeSeries averages over cycle phases.
BBQHarding-Pagan (Quarterly Bry-Boschan) Business Cycle Dating...
BCDating-classClass '"BCDating"'
BCDating-packageBusiness Cycle Dating and Plotting Tools
Iran.non.Oil.GDP.CycleCycle of non-Oil GDP of Iran.
Iran.non.Oil.GDP.Quarterly.GrowthQuartely Grwoth of non-Oil GDP of Iran.
MBRI.Iran.DatingDating of Business Cycles of Iran by MBRI
plot-methodsPlotting BCDating Objects, and Plotting Time-Series on...
show-methodsShowing a BCDating object
summary-methodsSummerizing a BCDating Object
window-methodsExtracting a window of A BCDating
BCDating documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:31 p.m.