    echo = FALSE,
    comment = NA,
    quiet = TRUE,
    progress = FALSE,
    tidy = FALSE,
    cache = FALSE,
    message = FALSE,
    error = FALSE, # FALSE: do not preserve errors. Always stop execution.
    warning = TRUE
options(width = 110)

# attach packages
# define variables
indicators <- toupper(settings$indicators)
number_of_indicators <- length(indicators)
has_pressure <- !is.null(settings$pressure)
needs_optimization <- is.null(settings$weights) && has_pressure

title_text <- if (tolower(settings$legendtext) == "eqr") {
    } else {
        "normalized index"
title_text_plur <- if (tolower(settings$legendtext) == "eqr") {
    } else {
        "normalized indices"
Title_text <- if (tolower(settings$legendtext) == "eqr") {
    } else {
        "Normalized index"

# add postfix _STAR to indicators. Should be converted to * in plots
# (NB: using * directly is not possible in model formulas)
indicators_EQR <- paste0(indicators, "_STAR")

BENMMI benthos data analysis report

r settings$title

BENMMI-package version r packageVersion("BENMMI") (r packageDescription("BENMMI", fields = "Date"))

Data Files and Settings

to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Data Files and Settings'...")

Selection of benthos records

to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Selection of benthos records'...")
# keep only records within the period of interest
d_mmi <- d_mmi %>%
    mutate(MONTH = DATE %>% format(format = "%m") %>% as.integer) %>%
    filter(MONTH %>% between(settings$months[1], settings$months[2])) %>%

# add year
d_mmi <- d_mmi %>%
    mutate(YEAR = DATE %>% format(format = "%Y") %>% as.integer)

# number of records
n_records <- nrow(d_mmi)
n_samples <- d_mmi$ID %>% 
    unique %>% 

Taxonomic groups

The figures below give for each combination of OBJECTID-HABITAT-YEAR the average abundance in each taxonomic group. The first figure gives absolute abundances (counts), the second figure relative abundances (percentages). See also r sQuote(basename(settings$files$out_group)) in the OUTPUT-directory for these entries per sample.

# total counts in each group per sampling unit (box core etc.)
d <- d_mmi %>%
    left_join(d_taxa %>% select(accepted, group) %>% distinct, by = c(TAXON = "accepted")) %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, SAMPLEID, HABITAT, DATE, YEAR, group) %>%
    summarise(n = sum(VALUE)) 

# resulting table in wide format
d %>% left_join( 
        d %>%
        summarise(N = sum(n)),
        by = c("OBJECTID", "SAMPLEID", "HABITAT", "DATE", "YEAR")) %>%
    mutate(p = as.integer(round(100 * n / N))) %>%
    select(-n) %>%
    spread(key = group, value = p, fill = 0L) %>%

# mean counts per group per sample, also expressed as percentages
dominant_groups <- c("APPOL", "CRAMP", "ECHIN", "MOBIV")
d <- d %>%
    ungroup %>%
    select(-DATE, -SAMPLEID) %>%
    mutate(group = ifelse(group %in% dominant_groups, group, "OTHER")) %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR, group) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(mean)) %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR) %>%
    mutate(p = 100 * n / sum(n)) %>%
    mutate(ohy = paste(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR, sep = "-")) 
# figure height
fig_height <- d %>% 
    select(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR) %>% 
    distinct %>% 
    nrow %/% 
    3L %>% 
    max(3) %>% 
Mean abundance per taxonomic group. Top: expressed as counts per sample, bottom: expressed as percentages per sample. APPOL = Polychaetes; CRAMP = Amphipods; ECHIN = Echninodermata; MOBIV = Bivalvia; OTHER = other groups.

Conversion of species names

to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Conversion of species names'...")

The table below list all taxon names in benthos-file 'r basename(settings$files$benthos)' that are converted to accepted taxon names in WoRMS:

d_mmi %>%
    select(TAXON_OLD, TAXON) %>%
    distinct %>%
    filter(tolower(TAXON_OLD) != tolower(TAXON)) %>%
    rename(`BENTHOS-file` = TAXON_OLD, WoRMS = TAXON) %>%
    xtable %>%
    print(type = "html", include.rownames = FALSE)

inconvertible <- d_mmi %>%
    filter( %>%
    group_by(TAXON_OLD) %>%
    summarise(COUNT = n()) %>%
    mutate("similar name(s) WoRMS" = TAXON_OLD %>% sapply(
        FUN = function(x) {
                x <- agrep(pattern = x, x = d_taxa$accepted, value = TRUE, 
                  = TRUE)
                if ((length(x) == 0L) | (length(x) > 5L)) {
                    x <- ""
                x %>% toString
    ) %>%
    rename(TAXON = TAXON_OLD)

d_mmi <- d_mmi %>% 
    filter(! %>%

The following r nrow(inconvertible) taxon names in the benthos-file are inconvertible. These names are not WoRMS-compliant, and will be removed:

inconvertible %>%
    xtable %>%
    print(type = "html", include.rownames = FALSE)

The first column gives the taxon name as found in the benthos input file (r basename(settings$files$benthos)), the second column gives the number of occurrences of this name, and the third column gives taxon names (if any) according to WoRMS that are most similar to the one in the benthos input file. This column may be useful to discover and correct typing errors or slightly different spelling. Please report inconvertible taxa names of Dutch benthos data to the TAXA list manager of Rijkswaterstaat (

OBJECTID-HABITATs and sample areas

to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'OBJECTID-HABITATs and sample areas'...")

The following habitats have been selected:

d_mmi %>%
    summarise("N_RECORDS" = n()) %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT) %>%
        "N_SAMPLES" = n(),
        "N_RECORDS" = sum(N_RECORDS)
    ) %>%
    xtable %>%
    print(type = "html", include.rownames = FALSE)

The table below gives the total sample area for the available sample sizes (m²). The corresponding number of samples is given in brackets.

d1 <- d_mmi %>%
    distinct %>%
    select(-SAMPLEID) %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR, AREA) %>%
    summarise(total_area = sum(AREA)) %>%
    spread(key = AREA, value = total_area, fill = 0)
d1$TOTAL <- rowSums(d1[, -(1:3)])

d2 <- d_mmi %>%
    distinct %>%
    select(-SAMPLEID) %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR, AREA) %>%
    summarise(n_samples = n()) %>%
    spread(key = AREA, value = n_samples, fill = 0L)
d2$TOTAL <- rowSums(d2[, -(1:3)]) %>% as.integer

d <- d1
for (j in 4:ncol(d)) {
    d1[[j]] <- formatC(x = d1[[j]], format = "f", digits = 3)
    d2[[j]] <- as.character(d2[[j]])
    d1[[j]] <- format(x = d1[[j]])
    d2[[j]] <- format(x = d2[[j]])
    d[[j]] <- apply(
        X = cbind(d1[[j]], d2[[j]]),
        MARGIN = 1L, 
        FUN = function(x) {
            paste(x[1], paste0("(", x[2], ")"), collapse = "")

d %>%
    xtable %>%
    print(type = "html", include.rownames = FALSE)

Data pooling

to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Data pooling'...")

# store pre-processed data
to_log("INFO", "Finished data preprocessing")
to_log("INFO", sprintf("Storing preprocessed (tidy) data in %s...", sQuote(basename(settings$files$out_tidy))))
required_vars <- c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT", "SAMPLEID", 
                   "LAT", "LONG", "DATE",
                   "SAMPDEV", "MESH", "TAXON", "VALUE")
if (has_pressure) {
    required_vars <- c(required_vars, "PRESSURE")
if (settings$pooling$enabled) {
    d_mmi %>%
        select_(.dots = c(required_vars, "POOL_RUN", "POOL_ID")) %>%         
        write_csv(path = settings$files$out_tidy, na = "")
} else {
    d_mmi %>%
        select_(.dots = required_vars) %>%         
        write_csv(path = settings$files$out_tidy, na = "")
to_log("INFO", "preprocessed data has been stored.")

Index calculation

to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Index calculation'...")

Total abundance

The total abundance of individuals (N) in the data pool. This index is provided for general information on the sample, quality control and optional manual correction for sample size (e.g. by means of Margalef d).

indicator_functions <- list(
    N = ~total_abundance(count = VALUE),
    LNN = ~lnn(count = VALUE),
    S = ~species_richness(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE),
    D = ~margalef(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE),
    SN = ~rygg(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE),
    SNA = ~rygg(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE, adjusted = TRUE),
    L = ~simpson(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE),
    H = ~shannon(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE),
    N2 = ~hill2(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE),
    PIE = ~hpie(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE),
    AMBI = ~ambi(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE, group = AMBI_GROUP),
    ITI  = ~iti( taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE, group = ITI_GROUP)    
if (!("AMBI_GROUP" %in% names(d_mmi))) {
    indicator_functions$AMBI <- ~ambi(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE)
if (!("ITI_GROUP" %in% names(d_mmi))) {
    indicator_functions$ITI <- ~iti(taxon = TAXON, count = VALUE)

indicator_functions <- indicator_functions[unique(c("N", toupper(settings$indicators)))]

if (!has_pressure) { # add dummy (to prevent extra code)
    d_mmi$PRESSURE <- NA_real_
d_ind <- full_join( 
    d_mmi %>%
        group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR, POOL_RUN, POOL_ID) %>%
        summarise_(.dots = indicator_functions),
    d_mmi %>%
        group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR, POOL_RUN, POOL_ID) %>%
        distinct(ID, AREA, PRESSURE) %>%
            N_SAMPLES_POOL = n(),
            POOL_AREA = sum(AREA),
            PRESSURE = (AREA * PRESSURE) / sum(AREA)
    by = c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT", "YEAR", "POOL_RUN", "POOL_ID")
) %>%

if (!has_pressure) { # remove dummy
    d_ind$PRESSURE <- NULL
    d_mmi$PRESSURE <- NULL

# add sample id if pooling is disabled
if (settings$pooling$enabled == FALSE) {
    d_ind <- d_ind %>% 
            d_mmi %>% 
                select(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR, POOL_RUN, POOL_ID, SAMPLEID) %>%
            by = c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT", "YEAR", "POOL_RUN", "POOL_ID")

Index percentile values

to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Index percentile values'...")

Percentiles for each index are given below. In addition, the number of samples (n) used to calculate these percentiles is provided. The percentiles have been calculated for the period r paste(range(d_ind$YEAR), collapse = "-") and months r paste(range(settings$months), collapse = "-").

# utility function for unrolling a list data_frame
# (note recyles lists if necessary)
unroll <- 
function(x) {
        X = seq_len(nrow(x)),
        FUN = function(i) {
            x[i, ] %>% 
                lapply(unlist) %>% 
       = FALSE) %>%
    ) %>%

# estimate percentiles
probs <- c(0, 1, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, 99, 100) / 100
d <- d_ind %>%
    select(-YEAR, -POOL_RUN, -POOL_ID)
if (settings$pooling$enabled == FALSE) {

d <- d %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT) %>%
    summarise_all(funs(list(quantile(., probs = probs, na.rm = TRUE)))) %>%
    unroll %>%
        d_ind %>%
            group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT) %>%
            summarise(n = n()),
        by = c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT")

d$PERC <- probs * 100
d %>%
    select_(.dots = c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT", "PERC", toupper(settings$indicators), "n")) %>%
    xtable %>% 
    print(type = "html")
# figure height
fig_height <- (((d_ind %>% select(OBJECTID, HABITAT) %>% distinct %>% nrow)-1L) %/% 3L + 1L) * 3
Cumulative distributions for each index, OBJECTID and HABITAT. The red line is the reference value based on the 1%- or 99%-percentile. The vertical dashes on the x-axis denote the data positions (rug-plot).

section_title <- if(tolower(settings$legendtext) == "eqr") {
        "Index Ecological Quality Ratios"
    } else {
        "Normalized Indices"

r section_title

to_log("INFO", sprintf("Entering section '%s'...", section_title))

The following r tolower(section_title) are calculated:

The 'bad' and 'ref' values can be found in the table below. This table is a copy of r settings$files$habitats %>% basename %>% sQuote as specified in the settings file.

d_ref %>%
    xtable %>%
    print(type = "html", include.rownames = FALSE)
# compute EQRs
eqr_functions <- list(
    N = ~eqr(x = N, bad = NBAD, ref = NREF),
    LNN = ~eqr(x = LNN, bad = LNNBAD, ref = LNNREF),
    S = ~eqr(x = S, bad = SBAD, ref = SREF),
    D = ~eqr(x = D, bad = DBAD, ref = DREF),
    SN = ~eqr(x = SN, bad = SNBAD, ref = SNREF),
    SNA = ~eqr(x = SNA, bad = SNABAD, ref = SNAREF),
    L = ~eqr(x = L, bad = LBAD, ref = LREF),
    N2 = ~eqr(x = N2, bad = N2BAD, ref = N2REF),
    PIE = ~eqr(x = PIE, bad = PIEBAD, ref = PIEREF),
    H = ~eqr(x = H, bad = HBAD, ref = HREF),
    AMBI = ~eqr(x = AMBI, bad = AMBIBAD, ref = AMBIREF),
    ITI = ~eqr(x = ITI, bad = ITIBAD, ref = ITIREF)
names(eqr_functions) <- paste0(names(eqr_functions), "_STAR")
eqr_functions <- eqr_functions[indicators_EQR]
d_ind <- d_ind %>% 
    left_join(d_ref, by = c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT")) %>%
    mutate_(.dots = eqr_functions)
# create SAMPLE file and add DATE column
d <- d_ind %>%
    select_(.dots = c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT", "SAMPLEID", "YEAR", "N",
                      indicators, indicators_EQR)) %>%
    set_names(sub(pattern = "_STAR$", replacement = "*", x = names(.))) %>%
        d_mmi %>% 
        by = c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT", "SAMPLEID", "YEAR")

# reorder columns
first_columns <- c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT", "SAMPLEID", "DATE", "YEAR")
d[, c(first_columns, setdiff(names(d), first_columns))] %>%
    write_csv(path = settings$files$out_sample, na = "")

d_ind <- d_ind %>% 


to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Results'...")


to_log("INFO", "Entering subsection 'Aggregation...'...")

The results are averaged to OBJECTID-HABITAT-YEAR combinations. The table below lists all results aggregated by OBJECTID, HABITAT and YEAR. In addition the r settings$confidencelevel-confidence interval for the mean is given. NB, for the calculation of the confidence intervals, a normal distribution of the mean is assumed. For small sample sizes, this assumption may not be valid.

d_agg <- d_ind %>% 
    select(OBJECTID, HABITAT, YEAR, RELAREA, ends_with("_STAR")) %>%
            LOWER_LIMIT = ci_mean(., level = settings$confidencelevel)["lower"],
            MEAN        = ci_mean(., level = settings$confidencelevel)["mean"],
            UPPER_LIMIT = ci_mean(., level = settings$confidencelevel)["upper"]
# place column names in the desired order
names(d_agg) <- sub(pattern = "^MMI_STAR_(.+)$", 
                    replacement = "ZZZZZ\\1", x = names(d_agg))
d <- names(d_agg)
d <- c(d[1:4], sort(d[-(1:4)]))
d_agg <- d_agg[, d]
names(d_agg) <- sub(pattern = "^Z{5}(.+)$", 
                    replacement = "MMI_STAR_\\1", x = names(d_agg))

# print table with double lines header
d <- d_agg
names(d) <- sub(pattern = "_LOWER_LIMIT", replacement = "\\\nlower limit", x = names(d))
names(d) <- sub(pattern = "_MEAN",        replacement = "\\\nmean", x = names(d))
names(d) <- sub(pattern = "_UPPER_LIMIT", replacement = "\\\nupper limit", x = names(d))
names(d) <- sub(pattern = "_STAR", replacement = "*", x = names(d))
d %>% 
    select(-RELAREA) %>%
    xtable %>%
    print(type = "html", include.rownames = FALSE)

# store results in a CSV-file (single line header)
d_agg %>%
    select(-RELAREA) %>%
    set_names(sub(pattern = "_STAR", replacement = "*", x = names(.))) %>%
    set_names(sub(pattern = "_UPPER_LIMIT", replacement = " upper limit", x = names(.))) %>%
    set_names(sub(pattern = "_LOWER_LIMIT", replacement = " lower limit", x = names(.))) %>%
    set_names(sub(pattern = "_MEAN", replacement = " mean", x = names(.))) %>%
    write_csv(path = settings$files$out_habitat, na = "")

r if (sprintf("MMI_%s_MEAN", settings$legendtext) %in% names(d_agg)) { "The table below lists the results aggregated (habitat area-weighted) by OBJECTID and YEAR."}

# Two-step aggregation:
# (otherwise the averages will be depend on the number of samples)
d_agg <- d_agg %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, YEAR) %>%
    summarise(MMI_STAR = sum(MMI_STAR_MEAN * RELAREA, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(RELAREA, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    rename("MMI_STAR" = "MMI*")

# print table
d_agg %>% 
    xtable %>% 
    print(type = "html")

# store results in a file
d_agg %>% 
    write_csv(path = settings$files$out_objectid, na = "")


to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'References'...")

Borja, A., J. Franco and V. Pérez, 2000. A Marine Biotic Index to Establish the Ecological Quality of Soft-Bottom Benthos Within European Estuarine and Coastal Environments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40:1100-1114

Gittenberger A. and W. van Loon, 2013. Sensitivities of marine macrozoobenthos to environmental pressures in the Netherlands. Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen, 41 (2013) 79-112.

Nickel, S., A. Hertel, R. Pesch, W. Schroeder, E. Steinnes, H. Thelle Uggerud, 2014. Correlating concentrations of heavy metals in atmospheric deposition with respective accumulation in moss and natural surface soil for ecological land classes in Norway between 1990 and 2010. Environ Sci Pollut Res.

Sammon, J. W., 1969. A non-linear mapping for data structure analysis. IEEE Trans. Comput., C-18 401–409.

Shannon, C. E., 1948. A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell System Technical Journal 27: 379–423.

van Loon, W.M.G.M., A.R. Boon, A. Gittenberger, D.J.J. Walvoort, M. Lavaleye, G.C.A. Duineveld, A.J. Verschoor, 2015. Application of the Benthic Ecosystem Quality Index 2 to benthos in Dutch transitional and coastal waters. Journal of Sea Research 103:1-13

Willem van Loon, Dennis Walvoort, Marc Lavaleye, Gerard Duineveld, Christina Herbon, Abigayil Blandon, Graham Philips, Roland Pesch, Petra Schmidt, Jorg Scholle, Karin Heyer, Gert van Hoey, Mats Blomqvist, 2017. A regional benthos assessment method for the Southern North Sea using Margalef diversity and reference value modeling. Accepted for publication by Ecological Indicators


to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Acknowledgements'...")

Angel Borja (AZTI-TECHNALIA, Spain), is kindly acknowledged for the permission to use the standard AMBI species list (

Session information

to_log("INFO", "Entering section 'Session information'...")


Sample size versus confidence interval

For interpretation of the current results and future sampling, the relation between the confidence interval and the sample size is of interest.

The minimum sample size n required to estimate the mean r title_text within d r title_text-units from the true mean with 1-α confidence (in this report 1-α = r settings$confidencelevel) can be estimated by

n = (σ tα/2,ν)2 / d2

where σ is the standard deviation, tα/2,ν is the Student's t-value for significance level α and ν=n-1 degrees of freedom. See also Nickel et al. (2014), or Wikipedia.

Note: in this report, we do not use transformations like the logit. Since we usually have sufficiently large sample sizes, the distribution of the mean r title_text will tend to normality (central limit theorem).

d <- d_ind
# only the MMI is needed if the user has provided the weights
# (see 2016-12-08-BENMMI-TESTVERSLAG-V4.1.docx)
if (!is.null(settings$weights)) {
    d <- d  %>% 
} else {
    d <- d  %>% 
        select_(.dots = c("OBJECTID", "HABITAT", indicators_EQR, "MMI_STAR"))

d <- d %>%
    gather(key = EQR, value = VALUE, ends_with("_STAR")) %>%
    group_by(OBJECTID, HABITAT, EQR) %>%
        sigma = sd(VALUE, na.rm = TRUE),
        n = sum(!
    ) %>%
    ungroup %>%
        t_alpha = ifelse(
            n < MIN_SAMPLE_SIZE, 
            qt(p = 0.5 * (1 + settings$confidencelevel), df = n - 1)
    ) %>%
    rowwise() %>%
        OBJECTID = = .$OBJECTID, times = 23),
        HABITAT = = .$HABITAT, times = 23),
        EQR = = .$EQR, times = 23),
        t_alpha = = .$t_alpha, times = 23),
        sigma = = .$sigma, times = 23),
        d = seq(from = 0.01, to = 0.12, by = 0.005)
    ) %>%
    unnest() %>%
        n = ceiling((t_alpha * sigma / d)^2)

In the figure below, sample size (n) is given as function of the half width (d) of the r 100*settings$confidencelevel%-confidence interval of the mean r title_text for every r title_text and OBJECTID-HABITAT combination. These graphs can be used to estimate the required sample size (y-axis) for a given confidence interval (x-axis).

Suppose one needs to estimate the mean of r d$EQR[9] for OBJECTID r d$OBJECTID[9] and HABITAT r d$HABITAT[9] and one wants this estimated mean within d=r round(d$d[9], 2) r title_text-units of the true (but unknown) mean with r 100*settings$confidencelevel% confidence, then one needs a minimum sample size of r d$n[9].

# figure height
fig_height <- (((d %>% select(OBJECTID, HABITAT) %>% distinct %>% nrow)-1L) %/% 2L + 1L) * 2
Half width of the `r 100*settings$confidencelevel`%-confidence interval of the mean `r title_text` as function of sample size.

The calculation of these curves is driven by the benthos data in the input file "r basename(settings$files$benthos)". For example, these curves can be calculated for a specific OBJECTID-HABITAT, using data for a period of two or three years (to also account for temporal variability). Also note that if the dataset in the input file is used for an assessment, then it can be checked if the sample size was sufficient for the desired confidence interval of the assessment.

The table below presents a subset of the data in the figure above in tabular format. Column 'd' gives half of the width of the r 100*settings$confidencelevel%-confidence interval in r title_text-units. Column 'n' is the corresponding minimum sample size.

d %>%
    filter(as.character(d) %in% as.character(seq(from = 0.02, to = 0.12, by = 0.02))) %>%
    select(OBJECTID, HABITAT, INDEX = EQR, d, n) %>%
    xtable(digits = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0)) %>%
    print(type = "html", include.rownames = FALSE)

Note: in case the sample size in "r basename(settings$files$benthos)" is smaller than r MIN_SAMPLE_SIZE for a specific OBJECTID-HABITAT, then the minimum sample size is not calculated.

Try the BENMMI package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

BENMMI documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 8:24 p.m.