Man pages for BESTree
Branch-Exclusive Splits Trees

AccComputes the proportion of matching terms in two vectors of...
BaggedBESTPerforms Bootstrap Aggregating of BEST trees
BESTMain function of the package. It produces Classification...
BESTForestGenerates a random forest of BEST trees
DataData generated according to decision tree for simulation...
FitData generated according to decision tree for simulation...
ForgeVAQuickly build the Available Variable list necessary for BEST...
FPredictEmits prediction from a forest of BEST's
MPredictClassify a set of new observation points
PredictClassify a new observation point
TreePruningUses a Validation Set to select the best trees within the...
VIProduces a variable important analysis using the mean...
BESTree documentation built on Aug. 9, 2019, 5:07 p.m.