Man pages for BHMSMAfMRI
Bayesian Hierarchical Multi-Subject Multiscale Analysis of Functional MRI (fMRI) Data

BHMSMABayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis...
BHMSMAfMRI-packageBayesian Hierarchical Multi-Subject Multiscale Analysis...
fmridataA simulated fMRI data for 3 subjects
glmcoefFit GLM (general linear model) to the fMRI time-series of all...
hyperparamestObtain estimates of the hyperparameters of the BHMSMA model
postglmcoefObtain posterior estimate of a 2D GLM coefficients map of a...
postgroupglmcoefObtain posterior group estimate of a 2D GLM coefficients map...
postmixprobObtain estimates of the mixture probabilities defining the...
postsamplesObtain samples from the posterior distribution of a 2D GLM...
postwaveletcoefObtain posterior estimates of the BHMSMA wavelet coefficients
readfmridataImport fMRI data from various fMRI image files
substituteWaveletCoefSubstitute 2D wavelet transform coefficients with user-given...
waveletcoefApply discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to a 2D GLM...
BHMSMAfMRI documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:31 a.m.