Man pages for BINCOR
Estimate the Correlation Between Two Irregular Time Series

bin_corBinned correlation
BINCOR-packageEstimate the Correlation Between Two Irregular Time Series
cor_tsBi-variate correlation
ENSOEquatorial Pacific SST anomalies from El Ni<c3><b1>o 3...
MD04_2845_siteID31Unevenly-spaced pollen record from the marine sediments core...
MD95_2039_siteID32Unevenly-spaced pollen record from the marine sediments core...
NHSSTNorthern Hemisphere (NH) sea surface temperature (SST)...
plot_tsPlot time series
redfitMinlsMinimization - least square
BINCOR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:46 p.m.