Man pages for BLOQ
Impute and Analyze Data with BLOQ Observations

estimateAUCandStdErrEstimate AUC and its standard error
estimateAUCwithCMLperTimePointestimate AUC with censored maximum likelihood per time point
estimateAUCwithFullCMLestimate AUC with Full censored maximum likelihood
estimateAUCwithMVNCMLestimate AUC with multivariate normal censored maximum...
estimateAUCwithPairwiseCMLestimate AUCwith pairwise censored maximum likelihood
imputeBLOQimpute BLOQ's with various methods
imputeCMLimputing BLOQ's using censored maximum likelihood
imputeConstantimputing BLOQ's with a constant value
imputeKernelDensityEstimationimputing BLOQ's using kernel density estimation
imputeROSimputing BLOQ's using regression on order statistics
simulateBealModelFixedEffectssimulate data from Beal model with fixed effects
simulateBealModelMixedEffectssimulate data from Beal model with fixed and random effects
BLOQ documentation built on July 1, 2020, 11:37 p.m.