Man pages for BMSC
Bayesian Model Selection under Constraints

addInteractionToVarsAdd interactions of a specific order to a vector of variables
addPowToVarsAdd exponent to a vector of variables
ConstrainedLinReg-classS4 class for constrained linear regression models
constrSelEstModel selection algorithm for constrained estimation
createFormulaCreate a formula with interactions and polynomials up to a...
createFormulaInternalCreate formula with interactions and polynomials if all...
extractVarnameExtract variable name from polynomial expression
getBestModelGet Best Model after Models Selection
getBetaMatrixExtract beta matrix from 'ConstrainedLinReg' model
handleMissingDataExclude rows with missing values
makeInteractionsAdd all interactions up to a desired order
makePolyCreate polynomial of degree 'maxExponent' from variable names
plotModelFitPlot errors of all models
plotModelsPlot model errors with errorbars
predict-ConstrainedLinReg-methodCompute predictions from constraint estimation model
prepColorVecPrepare colour vector
prepDatForPredictExclude rows with missing data on predictor variables
prepModelNamesExtract model names from model objects
prepPlotDataPrepare data to plot model fit
print.ConstrainedLinRegPrint constraint estimation model
show-ConstrainedLinReg-methodPrint constraint estimation model
sortAndPasteSort a vector and collapse elements together using ":"
tryAsFormulaTurn character vector into formula, return error if not...
BMSC documentation built on Aug. 2, 2019, 5:05 p.m.