Man pages for BMhyd
PCM for Hybridization

AdaptiveConfidenceIntervalSamplingConfidence interval under adaptive cluster sampling technique
AdjustForDetAdjust the phylogeny
AkaikeWeightAkaike weight
AttachHybridsToDonorAttach hybrids to the donor species
bmhydComparative method for studying hyridization using Brownian...
CalculateLikelihoodCalculate the likelihood value for the model
cichlidCichlid data from Kobmuller et al. 2007
ContourFromAdaptiveSamplingContour maps
DetPassdeterminant of the matrix
GenerateValuesGenerate parameter values
GetAncestorIdentify the ancestor
GetCladeGet clade from the tree
GetMeansModifiedThe species means for the network model
GetVModifiedVariance covariance matrix for the network model
LumpIntoCladesLump into clades
nicotiananicotiana data
Plot_ConvexHullConvex hull
PlotNetworkPhylogenetic Network Plot
SimulateNetworkSimulate phylogenetic network
SimulateTipDataSimulate data on a network
BMhyd documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:27 a.m.