Best Orthogonalized Subset Selection (BOSS)

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


We maintain a Github page for the package and keep the most updated version there. To install, simply run the following commands in the console:

install_github(repo="sentian/BOSSreg", subdir="r-package")

A stable version can be installed from CRAN using

install.packages(repo="BOSSreg", repos = "")


BOSS is a least squares-based subset selection method. It is based on takes the following steps:

The hdf is a heuristic degrees of freedom for BOSS that can be plugged into a selection rule such as AICc-hdf, which can then be used as a selection rule for BOSS. AICc-hdf is defined as \begin{equation} \text{AICc-hdf} = n \log\left(\frac{\text{RSS}}{n}\right) + n \frac{n+\text{hdf}}{n-{hdf}-2}. \end{equation} More details can be referred to @Tian2021.

This vignette is structured as follows. We start by simulating a dataset. We then introduce the components, functionalities and basic usage of the package. This is followed by a discussion contrasting BOSS and forward stepwise regression (FS). Finally, we study real data examples and compare BOSS with some popular regularization methods. Note that this vignette is based on R-3.6.1. Slightly different results may be obtained using pre-3.6.0 versions of R since the default underlying random number generator has been changed in version 3.6.0.

Simulated datasets

The model generating mechanism is $y=X\beta+\epsilon$. We consider a sparse model where only a few predictors matter, with a high signal-to-noise ratio. The detailed parameters are given as follows:

n = 200 # Number of observations
p = 14 # Number of predictors
p0 = 6 # Number of active predictors (beta_j=0)
rho = 0.9 # Correlation between predictors
nrep = 1000 # Number of replications of y to be generated
SNR = 7 # Signal-to-noise ratio
seed = 65 # The seed for reproducibility

We make the predictors with $\beta_j \ne 0$ pairwisely correlated with opposite effects. We generate $1000$ replicated datasets where the response $y$ is generated with fixed $X$. The columns of $X$ and $y$ are constructed to have zero mean, so we can exclude the intercept term from model fitting.

# Function to generate the data
# Columns of X have mean 0 and norm 1, y has mean 0 <- function(n, p, p0, rho, nrep, SNR, seed){
  # True beta
  beta = rep(0,p)
  beta = c(rep(c(1,-1),p0/2), rep(0,p-p0))
  names(beta) = paste0('X', seq(1,p))
  # Covariance matrix
  covmatrix  = matrix(0,nrow=p,ncol=p)
  diag(covmatrix) = 1
  for(i in 1:(p0/2)){
    covmatrix[2*i-1,2*i] = covmatrix[2*i,2*i-1] = rho
  # Generate the predictors given the correlation structure
  x = mvrnorm(n,mu=rep(0,p),Sigma=covmatrix)
  x = scale(x,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
  colnorm = apply(x,2,function(m){sqrt(sum(m^2))}) 
  x = scale(x,center=FALSE,scale=colnorm) # standardization
  # Sigma calculated based on SNR
  sd = sqrt(t(beta/colnorm)%*%covmatrix%*%(beta/colnorm) / SNR)
  mu = x%*%beta 
  # Generate replications of y by fixing X
  y = matrix(rep(mu,each=nrep),ncol=nrep,byrow=TRUE) +      
  return(list(x=x, y=y, beta=beta, sigma=sd))
dataset =, p, p0, rho, nrep, SNR, seed)
x = dataset$x
y = dataset$y
beta = dataset$beta
mu = x%*%beta
sigma = dataset$sigma

The first $p_0=6$ predictors are active with $\beta_j \ne 0$.


An illustration of the package

Fitting the model is simple.

# Choose a single replication as illustration
rep = seed
# Fit the model
boss_model = boss(x, y[,rep], intercept = FALSE)

The 'boss' object contains estimated coefficient vectors for the entire solution paths of both BOSS and FS.

betahat_boss = boss_model$beta_boss
betahat_fs = boss_model$beta_fs

By default, it also provides the hdf for BOSS and multiple information criteria.

# The heuristic degrees of freedom
plot(0:p, boss_model$hdf, main='hdf', ylab='', xlab='subset size', type='b')
abline(0, 1, lty=2)
# AICc-hdf (scaled by 1/n, and up to a constant)
plot(0:p, boss_model$IC_boss$aicc, main='AICc-hdf', ylab='', xlab='subset size', type='b')

The optimal estimated coefficient vector and fitted mean vector can be obtained as follows.

# The default is chosen by AICc
betahat_aicc = coef(boss_model)
muhat_aicc = predict(boss_model, newx=x)
# Use Cp rather than AICc
betahat_cp = coef(boss_model, ic='cp')
muhat_cp = predict(boss_model, newx=x)

In addition to information criteria, K-fold cross-validation (CV) with multiple replications can be used as a selection rule, with 10-fold CV with one replication the default choice.

# The default is 10-fold CV with 1 replication
boss_cv_model = cv.boss(x, y[,rep], intercept=FALSE)
# Coefficient vector selected by minimizing CV error
betahat_cv = coef(boss_cv_model)
# Fitted values
muhat_cv = predict(boss_cv_model, newx=x)

Calling 'cv.boss' runs CV for FS as well.

# Coefficient vector for FS selected by CV
betahat_fs_cv = coef(boss_cv_model, method='fs')
# Fitted values
muhat_fs_cv = predict(boss_cv_model, newx=x, method='fs')

Here is a comparison of the coefficient vectors selected using different selection rules. The first three columns are for BOSS while the last column is for FS.

tmp = cbind(betahat_aicc, betahat_cp, betahat_cv, betahat_fs_cv)
dimnames(tmp) = list(dimnames(tmp)[[1]], c('B0SS AICc', 'BOSS Cp', 'BOSS CV', 'FS CV'))

Comparing the solutions of BOSS and FS at every subset size

We see that FS gives a denser solution than BOSS in this case. Under the specific design of the true model, the true active predictors ($X_1,\cdots, X_6$) are pairwisely correlated with opposite effects. Predictors (e.g. $(X_1,X_2)$) together lead to a high $R^2$ but each single one of them contributes little. As a result, FS can have trouble stepping in the true active predictors in the early stages. For example, as indicated below, the inactive predictor $X_9$ joins in the first step. On the contrary, BOSS takes the same order of predictors as FS, and performs best subset regression on their orthogonal basis, providing the chance to re-evaluate (or re-order) the predictors.

# X9 joins first

Let's set aside the selection rule for now, and compare the solutions of the two methods at every subset size. The subset size is the number of predictors $k$ for FS, and it is the number of We calculate the average RMSE at each subset size based on $1000$ replications. The RMSE is defined as

\begin{equation} \text{RMSE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \lVert \hat{\mu} - X\beta \rVert_2^2}. \end{equation}

# Function to calculate RMSE
calc.rmse <- function(muhat){
  sqrt( Matrix::colSums(sweep(muhat, 1, mu)^2) / n )
rmse_solutionpath = list(BOSS=list(), FS=list())
for(rep in 1:nrep){
  boss_model = boss(x, y[,rep], intercept=FALSE)
  # RMSE along the solution path
  rmse_solutionpath[['BOSS']][[rep]] = calc.rmse(x %*% boss_model$beta_boss)
  rmse_solutionpath[['FS']][[rep]] = calc.rmse(x %*% boss_model$beta_fs)
# saveRDS(rmse_solutionpath, 'vignettes/rmse_solutionpath.rds')
rmse_solutionpath = readRDS(gzcon(url('')))

BOSS clearly provides a better solution path than FS in steps less than $8$.

# Average RMSE over replications
rmse_avg = lapply(rmse_solutionpath, function(xx){colMeans(, xx))})
plot(0:p, rmse_avg$FS, col='blue', pch=1, main='Average RMSE along the solution path', 
     ylab='RMSE', xlab='Subset size')
points(0:p, rmse_avg$BOSS, col='red', pch=3)
legend('topright', legend = c('FS', 'BOSS'), col=c('blue', 'red'), pch=c(1,3))

Next, we bring back the selection rules and compare their performances. The selection rule for BOSS is AICc-hdf and is 10-fold CV for FS. BOSS shows a better predictive performance, and it provides sparser solutions than FS does.

rmse = nvar = list(BOSS=c(), FS=c())
for(rep in 1:nrep){
  boss_cv_model = cv.boss(x, y[,rep], intercept=FALSE)
  # RMSE for the optimal subset selected via a selection rule
  rmse[['BOSS']][rep] = calc.rmse(predict(boss_cv_model$boss, newx = x)) # AICc
  rmse[['FS']][rep] = calc.rmse(predict(boss_cv_model, newx = x, method = 'fs')) # CV
  # Number of variables
  nvar[['BOSS']][rep] = sum(coef(boss_cv_model$boss)!=0)
  nvar[['FS']][rep] = sum(coef(boss_cv_model, method='fs')!=0)
# saveRDS(list(rmse=rmse, nvar=nvar), '/vignettes/boss_fs.rds')
tmp = readRDS(gzcon(url('')))
rmse = tmp$rmse
nvar = tmp$nvar
# Make the plots
boxplot(rmse, outline=FALSE, main='RMSE')
boxplot(nvar, outline=FALSE, main='Number of predictors')

Real data examples

We compare the performance of BOSS with FS and some popular regularization methods on several real datasets. We consider four datasets from the StatLib library, 'boston housing', 'hitters', 'auto' and 'college'. An intercept term is included in all of the procedures. We present the results in this section and provide the code in the Appendix at the end of this document.

The selection rule is AICc for BOSS and LASSO, and 10-fold CV for FS and SparseNet, respectively. We use the R packages glmnet and sparsenet to fit LASSO and SparseNet, respectively. We see that BOSS has the minimum RMSE for the 'hitters' and 'auto' datasets, while LASSO has the minimum RMSE for the 'boston housing' and 'college' datasets. Due to an efficient implementation of the cyclic coordinate descent, the 'glmnet' algorithm provides an extremely fast LASSO solution. BOSS is also relatively computationally efficient, and is much faster than the remaining methods.

dataset = list()
# Boston Housing data
tmp = Boston
tmp = na.omit(tmp)
tmp$chas = as.factor(tmp$chas)
dataset$boston$x = data.matrix(tmp[,!names(tmp) %in% 'medv'])
dataset$boston$y = tmp$medv

# MLB hitters salary
tmp = Hitters
tmp = na.omit(tmp)
tmp[,c('League', 'Division', 'NewLeague')] = 
  lapply(tmp[,c('League', 'Division', 'NewLeague')], as.factor)
dataset$hitters$x = data.matrix(tmp[,!(names(tmp) %in% c('Salary'))])
dataset$hitters$y = tmp$Salary

# College data
tmp = College
tmp$Private = as.factor(tmp$Private)
dataset$college$x = data.matrix(tmp[,!(names(tmp) %in% c('Outstate'))])
dataset$college$y = tmp$Outstate

# Auto data
tmp = Auto
dataset$auto$x = data.matrix(tmp[,!(names(tmp) %in% c('mpg','name','origin'))])
dataset$auto$y = tmp$mpg
# read the results
result = readRDS(gzcon(url('')))
# function to extract the results
tmp_function <- function(method){
  unlist(lapply(result, function(xx){
    unlist(lapply(xx, function(yy){
      round(mean(yy[[method]]), 3)
tmp = data.frame(Dataset = rep(names(result), each=3),
  n_p = rep(unlist(lapply(dataset, function(xx){paste(dim(xx$x), collapse = ', ')})) , each=3),
  Metrics = rep(c('RMSE', '# predictors', 'running time (s)'), length(result)),
  BOSS = tmp_function('boss'),
  FS = tmp_function('fs'),
  LASSO = tmp_function('lasso'),
  SparseNet = tmp_function('sparsenet'))
rownames(tmp) = NULL
colnames(tmp)[2] = 'n, p'
kable(tmp, align = "c") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold = T) %>%
  collapse_rows(columns = 1:2, valign = "middle")



Appendix: Code for the real data examples

The following code is used to pre-process the datasets. We remove all of the entries with 'NA' values. We recast binary categorical variables into ${0,1}$ and remove categorical variables with more than two categories.

dataset = list()
# Boston Housing data
tmp = Boston
tmp = na.omit(tmp)
tmp$chas = as.factor(tmp$chas)
dataset$boston$x = data.matrix(tmp[,!names(tmp) %in% 'medv'])
dataset$boston$y = tmp$medv

# MLB hitters salary
tmp = Hitters
tmp = na.omit(tmp)
tmp[,c('League', 'Division', 'NewLeague')] = 
  lapply(tmp[,c('League', 'Division', 'NewLeague')], as.factor)
dataset$hitters$x = data.matrix(tmp[,!(names(tmp) %in% c('Salary'))])
dataset$hitters$y = tmp$Salary

# College data
tmp = College
tmp$Private = as.factor(tmp$Private)
dataset$college$x = data.matrix(tmp[,!(names(tmp) %in% c('Outstate'))])
dataset$college$y = tmp$Outstate

# Auto data
tmp = Auto
dataset$auto$x = data.matrix(tmp[,!(names(tmp) %in% c('mpg','name','origin'))])
dataset$auto$y = tmp$mpg

Code to calculate leave-one-out error, number of predictors and timing for each fitting procedure. Note that the following code took roughly 20 minutes to run on a single core of a local machine with a 2.7 GHz i7 processer and 16 GB RAM.

rmse <- function(y_hat, y){
  sqrt(sum( (y_hat - y)^2 / length(y)) )
rdresult <- function(x, y, nrep, seed){
  p = dim(x)[2]

  allmethods = c('lasso','sparsenet','boss','fs')
  error = numvar = time = replicate(length(allmethods), rep(NA,nrep), simplify=F)
  names(error) = names(numvar) = names(time) = allmethods

  for(i in 1:nrep){
    index = 1:nrow(x)
    index = index[-i]

    x.train = x[index, , drop=FALSE]
    y.train = y[index]
    x.test = x[-index, , drop=FALSE]
    x.test.withint = cbind(rep(1,nrow(x.test)), x.test)
    y.test = y[-index]

    # BOSS
    ptm = proc.time()
    boss_model = boss(x.train, y.train, intercept = TRUE)
    time_tmp = proc.time() - ptm
    boss_pred = as.numeric( predict(boss_model, newx=x.test) )
    error$boss[i] = rmse(boss_pred, y.test)
    numvar$boss[i] = sum(coef(boss_model)!=0)
    time$boss[i] = time_tmp[3]

    # FS
    ptm = proc.time()
    boss_cv_model = cv.boss(x.train, y.train)
    time_tmp = proc.time() - ptm
    fs_pred = as.numeric( predict(boss_cv_model, newx=x.test, method='fs') )
    error$fs[i] = rmse(fs_pred, y.test)
    numvar$fs[i] = sum(coef(boss_cv_model, method='fs')!=0)
    time$fs[i] = time_tmp[3]

    # LASSO
    ptm = proc.time()
    lasso_model = glmnet(x.train, y.train, intercept=TRUE)
    lasso_aicc = as.numeric(calc.ic(predict(lasso_model, newx=x.train), y.train, 
                                    ic='aicc', df=lasso_model$df+1))
    lasso_pred = predict(lasso_model, newx=x.test, s=lasso_model$lambda[which.min(lasso_aicc)])
    time_tmp = proc.time() - ptm
    error$lasso[i] = rmse(lasso_pred, y.test)
    numvar$lasso[i] = sum(coef(lasso_model, s=lasso_model$lambda[which.min(lasso_aicc)])!=0)
    time$lasso[i] = time_tmp[3]

    # SparseNet
    ptm = proc.time()
    sparsenet_cv_model = cv.sparsenet(x.train, y.train)
    time_tmp = proc.time() - ptm
    sparsenet_pred = predict(sparsenet_cv_model, newx=x.test, which='parms.min')
    error$sparsenet[i] = rmse(sparsenet_pred, y.test)
    numvar$sparsenet[i] = sum(coef(sparsenet_cv_model, which='parms.min')!=0)
    time$sparsenet[i] = time_tmp[3]
  return(list(error=error, numvar=numvar, time=time))
result = lapply(dataset, function(xx){rdresult(xx$x, xx$y, nrow(xx$x), seed)})
# saveRDS(result, '/vignettes/realdata.rds')

This is the code to construct the table on page 6.

# Function to extract the results
tmp_function <- function(method){
  unlist(lapply(result, function(xx){
    unlist(lapply(xx, function(yy){
      round(mean(yy[[method]]), 3)
tmp = data.frame(Dataset = rep(names(result), each=3),
  n_p = rep(unlist(lapply(dataset, function(xx){paste(dim(xx$x), collapse = ', ')})) , each=3),
  Metrics = rep(c('RMSE', '# predictors', 'running time (s)'), length(result)),
  BOSS = tmp_function('boss'),
  FS = tmp_function('fs'),
  LASSO = tmp_function('lasso'),
  SparseNet = tmp_function('sparsenet'))
rownames(tmp) = NULL
colnames(tmp)[2] = 'n, p'
kable(tmp, align = "c") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = F) %>%
  column_spec(1, bold = T) %>%
  collapse_rows(columns = 1:2, valign = "middle")

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BOSSreg documentation built on March 7, 2021, 1:06 a.m.